Health Assessment and Nursing Education: Best Practices for Improved Care

Based on the available client information, a nurse can gather important data on her lifestyle, nutrition, smoking and drug intake habits, and psychological condition. Namely, it is possible to note that the patient leads unhealthy lifestyle, since she eats once a day, smokes, uses street drugs, and rummages through trash. As a nurse, I can suggest that she is in a difficult situation and has no family support, yet this should be clarified in the course of the interview (Fayers & Machin, 2013). Since the patient decided to come to the hospital and reveal her problems, it is evident that she needs help and is ready to assist in the improvement of her health outcomes.

While interviewing this client, I should ask myself about the approach to be used, taking into account her specific needs and expectations. It seems that this patient needs an attentive and comprehensive assessment that would focus not only on her physical indicators, but also on the psychological condition. Namely, the following questions may be formulated: What is my strategy to ensure that this patient would receive adequate care? What knowledge and skills should I apply to help her? How will I demonstrate my understanding of her health problems and the desire to help her? In general, it is critical to develop and implement a holistic approach to the patient evaluation and further health care delivery.

During the stage of planning, I would assist this patient as a nurse in the role of a consultant and a friend. It is clear that she needs an adequate treatment and support in coping with all the problems. Applying motivational interviewing, I will try to reveal her strengths and weaknesses, previous diseases and hospital admissions, family issues and connections with friends as well as any other background information that may help in identifying treatment options (Noordman, de Vet, van der Weijden, & van Dulmen, 2013). At the same time, I believe that it is of great importance to respect her right to privacy and confidentiality, thus keeping the patient’s sensitive data secured. I will encourage this client to share any information that may be useful and participate in assistance by actively communicating her concerns and views regarding the nursing help. It seems important to set both short- and long-term goals in collaboration with the patient to make the desired outcomes transparent and achievable.

Speaking of the strategies to improve the patient’s life, one should note patient education. As a nurse, I will explain the causes and potential consequences of her current health condition, emphasizing that improper nutrition, bad habits, and continuous stress may lead to various diseases including HIV, cancer, and so on. After that, I will reflect on the potential change of her lifestyle and its positive impacts on her overall well-being. For example, the importance of a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and cereals, doing sports, avoiding smoking and drugs will be discussed. I will use real life examples to demonstrate that everyone may change his or her life for the better. Using motivation and collaborative partnership, I will encourage her to re-consider her daily activities and start a new life. Also, it may be useful to invite the client to join the group meetings of patients with the same problems, so that she can receive additional psychological support.


Fayers, P. M., & Machin, D. (2013). Quality of life: The assessment, analysis and interpretation of patient-reported outcomes (2nd ed.). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.

Noordman, J., de Vet, E., van der Weijden, T., & van Dulmen, S. (2013). Motivational interviewing within the different stages of change: An analysis of practice nurse-patient consultations aimed at promoting a healthier lifestyle. Social Science & Medicine, 87(2), 60-67.

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