Insights from a Miami Nurse Leader on Healthcare Management


Individuals in formal leadership positions should develop adequate skills to empower others and deliver positive results. This paper presents a summary of the responses obtained after interviewing a manager in a leading hospital in Miami. The respondent was a male nurse leader (NL) with over ten years of managerial experience.

Interviewee’s Role

The respondent indicated that his role as a member of a health care team was to guide different followers and ensure that all patients received exemplary medical services. Despite being a manager in a department, the interviewee completed various care delivery roles in his team. He also guided members of his team to make evidence-based decisions that could result in superior medical practices. These responsibilities can make different teams successful and capable of transforming the health experiences of their patients (Whiteside, 2016). The manager also presented adequate resources and systems to meet the needs of all practitioners.

Definition of Professionalism

The selected manager defined professionalism as the ability to follow the stipulated standards of practice, uphold outlined ethical values, and act in accordance with the existing code of conduct. Those who embrace this meaning can be in a position to support the needs of more patients and achieve their aims (Brennan, 2016). The respondent indicated that professional responsibility was influencing his work positively.

For instance, he always embraced the principles of empathy, justice, and altruism whenever providing medical services. The application of the standard of integrity guided him to address emerging issues or complaints. The leader used the established code of conduct to mentor others in order to achieve their goals. Consequently, he managed to create a healthy nursing environment in the targeted department.


The interviewee stated that he viewed himself as a steward of health care. The leader was certain of this assertion since he acquired adequate resources and shared them with his followers. He also identified emerging medical technologies and introduced them in the department to empower all caregivers. He acknowledged that health leaders had an obligation to examine emerging or evidence-based concepts in nursing and present them to their teammates (Whiteside, 2016). He also encouraged all practitioners in the unit to address the changing needs of the targeted patients using effective clinical practices. This kind of stewardship has made the manager’s department successful.


The respondent indicated that all leaders should pursue professional authenticity and advocacy. They should also be ready to exercise influence and power when working with colleagues. The reason for promoting authenticity and advocacy is that such initiatives can make it possible for managers to identify patients’ needs and address them immediately. They can go further to partner with other professionals while at the same time upholding their standards of practice.

Their actions should also be congruent with their nurse leadership philosophies. Additionally, they should exhibit power or influence in their respective units. This approach will make it easier for them to guide, mentor, and empower their followers (Brennan, 2016). They will solve problems, identify potential challenges, and make informed decisions. They will present adequate resources and reproach colleagues who fail to offer exemplary services. The ultimate objective is to ensure that high-quality care is available to the greatest number of patients.


The above responses have revealed that managers in healthcare settings should remain authentic and professional. They should mentor and guide members of their teams to offer high-quality patient care. Such practices can transform this country’s health care sector.


Brennan, M. D. (2016). The role of professionalism in clinical practice, medical education, biomedical research, and health care administration. Journal of Translational Internal Medicine, 4(2), 64-65. Web.

Whiteside, D. (2016). Perioperative nurse leaders and professionalism. AORN Journal, 104(2), 133-144. Web.

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