Investment Strategies for Personal Finance Across Different Ages


The article called Investing at Every Age raises the issue of investing that depends on the age and goals of a person. This is a highly relevant problem in most countries and communities. Investing is a complicated and very important process that requires knowledge and experience. However, most people lack both, and such texts make it easier for them to discover new opportunities. The main goal of this paper is to review and evaluate this article.

Main Body

The purpose of the article is to give advice about investing for beginners of different age groups. Goals depend on the age of an investor. The article suggests practical methods, taking into consideration this aspect. It was published in an American finance magazine Kiplinger’s Personal Finance (Leary, 2017). It is a popular journal that gives tips on money management, financial safety, and investments. The information in the article is presented in a coherent and understandable manner.

It is original research that is supported by references to the statements of leaders in the investment field and statistics published in this magazine. The article provides a very conservative vision on the subject. It focuses on the common for regular people interests like raising a family, peak savings, and retirement. The article describes five stages of life. The first stage starts when a person gets the first job (Leary, 2017).

The author warns that it is necessary to balance all savings and investing, taking into account the need to pay off debts. She highlights the necessity to create an emergency fund. Also, she explains how to make simple investments, suggesting target-date mutual funds and exchange-traded funds. In addition, the author advises controlling all investments, using application software. The second stage begins when a person starts a family (Leary, 2017). At this point, the author suggests saving money for retirement. Also, she underlines the necessity to invest money for the future college tuitions. She describes state-sponsored plans that bring profit without the need to pay taxes.

Also, the author strongly recommends protecting finances for a home. The third stage starts when children graduate, and all tuitions are paid off (Leary, 2017). It is time to gain more control over the person’s investments. The author insists that it is necessary to hold 65% of assets in stocks (Leary, 2017). She also recommends reducing the number of bank accounts as it will help to track spending. The fourth stage is pre-retirement (Leary, 2017).

The author suggests expanding income investment opportunities. Investing in organizations that increase payouts and in real estate is highly profitable and secure. She also recommends using online resources like NAPFA that can help to find more opportunities for investments. Finally, the fifth stage is retirement (Leary, 2017). At this stage, people should focus on the security of their investments, disregarding profitability. The author describes a bucket system that is aimed to balance both aspects. It implies keeping a small part of assets in cash and investing a greater part in high-quality bonds.


In conclusion, this article provides practical and comprehensive advice on investments. The author’s suggestions are supported by opinions of different top managers, investors, and other experienced specialists in this field. Also, the article was issued by a respectable publisher. These factors demonstrate the in-depth nature of the research conducted by the author, highlighting the relevance and significance of this article.


Leary, E. (2017). Investing at every age. Kiplinger’s Personal Finance, 40(11), 48-56.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, January 8). Investment Strategies for Personal Finance Across Different Ages.

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StudyCorgi. 2021. "Investment Strategies for Personal Finance Across Different Ages." January 8, 2021.

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