Personality Traits in the Workplace

The smartest person I know is my friend who studies programming at university while maintaining a personal start-up and having enough time to maintain a perfect work-life balance. I am smart in my life position and attitude towards people. It is closer to a common-sense smartness in the way that I am able to distinguish people that are honorable and decent in their acts.

We see a lot of employees that are a blend of street smart and common-sense smart. In today’s competitive environment, businesses use a variety of innovative technologies to screen candidates and select the best one. Openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism are the five personality traits needed to explain employee behavior (The big five, 2022). The CARE for You approach, in which supervisors must let people know and demonstrate that they care for them, is the finest way to employ emotional intelligence to enhance office productivity. Moreover, it is beneficial to go out of your way to comprehend and fix their problems, as well as to respect them for their success. Make the extra effort to say thank you and be consistent about it.

Take the time to coach and/or sponsor personnel who have worked hard for their position and demonstrate care about others. This gesture can help you reach your organizational goals and objectives more effectively. The next step is to Embrace the Differences, in which managers demonstrate that they recognize that there will be differences in opinions and methods. People want to be genuine, and those who embrace their uniqueness should let them realize the manager’s compassion. As a result, supervisors may embrace and accept these distinctions, resulting in fantastic teams and the preservation of unique talents and abilities in certain situations. Reassuring them that it is normal to bring some domestic issues to work and seek assistance from peers or supervisors, managers make employees comfortable at work. Understanding their strengths, ability, and present issue/mindset as a supervisor is critical, and then assigning them relevant tasks can help them work better.


The big five personality traits in the workplace. (2022). Florida Tech Online. Web.

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