Philosophical Thinkers and Questions in Ethics

The fundamental difference between philosophy and science is that the former asks conceptual questions and tries to find explanations entirely through thinking. On the other hand, the latter formulates theories that can be tested experimentally. The first crucial philosophical question is related to the existence of objects, which is asked by metaphysics. Unlike science, metaphysics asks about what and how something exists and uses previous knowledge to prove its theory is true. In contrast, scientists use the empirical approach to demonstrate if their hypotheses about matter, properties, time, and space are justifiable.

The second essential philosophical question is associated with the concept of God. Although science is no longer violent in its statements that God does not exist, there is no complete consensus about this question between scientists and philosophers. In fact, most of the latter supported Western theology in explaining who God is. Still, some philosophers deviated from this general belief, viewed God as the universe itself, and were skeptical about the traditional perception. Specifically, Kant believed that God was a transcendent idea that was needed to connect human beings and ensure happiness.

The first philosopher whose teachings I became interested in was John Stuart Mill. He was a proponent of utilitarianism, which is an ethical theory that claims individuals’ actions and behaviors should be aimed at maximizing the happiness of all people involved. Mill did not disappoint his father, who wanted John to become a genius through rigorous training and education. He was not only an economist and philosopher but also a Parliament member who was famous for his feminist writings, opposition to slavery, and support of freedom of speech. Overall, Mill was one of those thinkers ahead of his time in understanding social relations.

The second person whose philosophy I was interested in was German thinker Immanuel Kant. Kant was viewed as one of the most influential philosophers of the Enlightenment period due to his extensive writings in ethics, aesthetics, and metaphysics. Furthermore, he is considered the founder of transcendental philosophy, claiming that space and time are subjective and only exist because of human perception and senses. Kant believed that perpetual peace could be achieved through international collaboration and democracy. However, he was often described as a scientific racist, but this viewpoint became less prominent in Kant’s later works.

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