Educating on Pneumonic Plague: Integration into Nursing Education

Pneumonic plague develops in a person when transmitting airborne droplets through the respiratory system. In the body of the sick, the primary reaction is characterized by the rapid development of multiple foci of inflammation in the lungs (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2014). The standard control practices, in this case, are keeping hands clean and wearing gloves and masks. It is advisable to protect the eyes as well. The thoughtful handling of sharp materials is essential. Health care providers are required to use a mouthpiece when providing resuscitation. In terms of droplet practices, it is essential to provide ventilation and air handling and place those with the plague in a private place.

It is essential to inform the students about clinical features of the disease and its preventive measures. The students must be knowledgeable that fever, chills, hemoptysis, and circulatory collapse are the signs of the illness (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2014). In addition, the students should be informed that pneumonic plague is most contagious in the end stage. For that reason, they should be aware that if they follow the preventive instructions, they will not catch the disease. As the cultural background of the college campus is diverse, it is essential to educate all the students of safe practices such as washing hands and linen, sufficient hygiene, limiting close contacts with other people, and wearing a respiratory mask. The use of handouts and visuals will contribute to easier comprehension in terms of various learning styles of students.

The post-exposure prophylaxis includes seven days of antibiotic intake (Doxycycline -100 mg or Ciprofloxacin 500 mg, 2 times/day; pregnant women: Doxycycline1 – 100 mg or Ciprofloxacin1 – 500 mg 2 times/day). It is expected that the college campus has the emergency response plan to address the situation immediately. It is to provide the informational resources to both the staff and the students and be knowledgeable about the emergency phone numbers. The nurse’s response to the plague will be reflected in the two synchronous measures, which are education and surveillance (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2014). It is necessary to provide the education, spread the necessary information among the residents, and strengthen the surveillance to recognize and furnish care to the possible patients.


Hoffman, R., Howland, M., Lewin, N., Nelson, L., & Goldfrank, L. (2014). Goldfrank’s toxicologic emergencies. Pennsylvania, PA: McGraw Hill Professional.

Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2014). Public health nursing. New York, NY: Elsevier.

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