Managing Organizational Change: Stakeholder and Ethics Focus

Assignment 1: Case Study Analysis

Carrying out a change on an organizational level is not an easy task, as it presupposes not only restructuring the corporate processes but also reestablishing the models of organizational behavior and relationships between the company members. In the specified case study, it was the lack of concern for the traditional course of the company’s operations and interpersonal relations that caused a conflict (Case study: The winds of change, 2014). Therefore, the change in question needs to be carried out so that the staff could have an understanding of the business and interpersonal relationship specifics, which the stakeholder influence mapping approach (Vermeulen, 2005, p. 9) will help identity. Afterward, the company will have to get the priorities straight, which will become possible after the needs of the stakeholders mentioned above are located. The specified step can be taken with the help of an efficient mechanism for organization; in the case in point, a change in the corporate ethics and the choice of a more appropriate leadership style, which will promote a new and improved model for organizational behavior (e.g., transformative leadership style), will have to be made.

It should be noted, though, that the analysis of the stakeholders’ needs and demands will presuppose conducting vast research within the organizational setting. Based on the responses of the staff, which need to be collected with the help of either personal interviews or questionnaires, the key concerns of the employees may be identified and, therefore, the methods for creating a more comfortable work environment may be invented. In other words, the tools and practices that comply with the key principles of democracy should be given preference when considering the promotion of change in the specified environment. Indeed, a closer look at the subject matter will reveal that it was the lack of freedom in professional choices that made Bury unsafe about the changes in the first place (Case study: The winds of change, 2014).

The above-mentioned reconsideration of the company’s ethical code may be used as support for transferring to the third stage of the change implementation, i.e., the process of the staff’s engagement. As it has been stressed above, the motivation issue is especially important in facilitating change within the context of an organization, especially with the staff members that are as conservative as Bury (Case study: The winds of change, 2014). Therefore, Envigood could have promoted a new model of operations through ethical appeal, enhanced communication process and a careful analysis of the feedback received from the staff. Finally, several tools for process quality assurance, such as audits and personal interviews carried out among the managers and staff could have assisted in promoting the new approach more subtly.

As far as the fourth stage of the change enhancement and implementation is concerned, one must bear in mind that the specified process must occur within the environment, in which every single member of the organization recognizes the necessity for change and accepts it fully. Therefore, the political risks and opportunities related to the alterations in the organizational environment should have been taken into account by Envigood as well. As Zeiner explains, the specified step allows the company leader to make sure that “the strength of the relationship between the policy environment and business behavior and performance” (Zeiner, 2015, p. 452) should be enhanced. In other words, the above-mentioned tools help correlate the organizational behavior changes and the alterations in the company’s policies, therefore, making the transfer to the new environment as painless as possible for the stakeholders involved.

Assignment 2: Article Analysis

Assessing Ethical Behavior

Measuring the extent, to which the specified type of behavior complies with the fundamental tenets of ethics, one will have to act in the manner, which promotes democratic values. More importantly, the tools in question will have to be used as the key markers of a democratic choice. Therefore, advancing democratic action can be viewed as the creation of a basis for an ethical behavior assessment.

Democratic Governance

Even though bureaucracy is often viewed as the phenomenon that hampers the promotion of change, it is often linked to democratic governance (Dobel, 2006). Creating the basis for the introduction of a rigid structure within a specific society, bureaucratic ethics, therefore, can be deemed as a valid tool for incorporating democratic values into the fabric of the society (Rohr, 2007).

Foundation of Bureaucratic Ethics

While often viewed from a rather negative perspective, bureaucracy is linked directly to society due to the behavioral paradigm, which bureaucratic ethics creates for the citizens to comply with. Consequently, bureaucratic ethics serves as the foundation for societal relationships to evolve.

What the President of UNSA Should Do

In the specified scenario, the President of UNSA must retain the ethical principles that the state is based on (The United Nations of South America, n. d.). It is only with the advocacy of a set of rigid ethical principles that the eradication of mischief in politics and economy can be facilitated. Even though no forms of communication with the adversary are possible, it is still important to use the resources that will help retain the moral fabric of UNSA intact.

Reference List

Case study: The winds of change. (2014).

Dobel, J. P. (2006). Public management as ethics. In E. Ferlie, L. E. Lynn & C. Pollitt (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of public management (161–181). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Web.

Rohr, J. A. (2007). Ethics and comparative administration. Public Integrity, 10(1), 65–74. Web.

The United Nations of South America. (n. d.). Web.

Vermeulen, S. (2005). Stakeholder influence mapping. Web.

Zeiner, B. A. (2015). The strategic organization of political risks and opportunities. Strategic Organization, 1(4): 451–460.

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