Pop Culture in “The Godfather” by Coppola

Pop culture has always been a huge influence on films. From the very beginning, films have been used to reflect and comment on the popular culture of the time. In the early days of cinema, this was often done through satire and parody. Today, it can be seen that pop culture is reflected in films in various ways. Pop culture can be used to make a film more relatable to its audience. By including references to popular TV shows, music, or fashion, a film can make itself more familiar and accessible to viewers (Rotella). This can be a great way to connect with an audience and make a film more enjoyable. The Godfather film is a part of the pop culture because it is regularly cited as an inspiration by many filmmakers.

The Godfather is a classic film that portrays pop culture in a realistic way. The film follows the story of a mafia family in New York City and their struggles to maintain power and control. The Godfather has themes of family, crime, loyalty, and others that have resonated with many people over the years. Corleone’s family is torn between traditional values and new ways of life in America (Rotella). The pop culture is therefore part and parcel of The Godfather film as depicted in the major themes mentioned.

The Godfather film characters are some of the most iconic in cinematic history. The film’s characters represent the different aspects of pop culture in the early 1970s (Chappetta). Vito Corleone is a representation of the Italian-American experience, while his son Michael is a representation of the American dream. The film also features characters that represent the African-American experience. The Godfather is a film that is important today, as it explores universal themes that are significant in the society. The film’s characters represent different aspects of today’s society.

Don Vito’s son, Michael, is the film’s protagonist. Michael is a war hero who returned from World War II service. He is an educated and intelligent man who is not interested in the family business. However, he is drawn into the world of crime after his father is attacked and his brother is killed. Michael becomes the new head of the family and is forced to take on the role of a Mafia don. Michael’s wife, Kay, is a kind and loving woman. She is not involved in the family business and does not approve of Michael’s involvement in the crime (Chappetta). However, she stands by her husband and supports him. The characters in a film on pop culture can be important in several ways. They can represent the people or groups being satirized or parodied in the film. They can also be used to comment on the shallowness or artificiality of pop culture. In some cases, the characters in a film on pop culture can be used to make a statement about the emptiness of celebrity culture.

To sum up, pop culture is important in films because it allows films to appeal to a wider audience. By incorporating popular culture into films, films are able to reach a larger audience and become more successful. Additionally, pop culture can help to make films more relatable and enjoyable for viewers. Pop culture is also important in films because it can be used to create a sense of authenticity. It can also be used to make a film more relatable to viewers. Pop culture references can also help to make a film more entertaining.

Works Cited

Chappetta, R. “Review: The Godfather.” Film Quarterly, vol. 25, no. 4, 1972, 60–61.

Rotella, C. “The Godfather and American Culture: How the Corleones Became “Our gang.”; Class, Language, and American Film Comedy.” American Literature, vol. 75, no.2, 2003, pp. 458–460.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Pop Culture in “The Godfather” by Coppola." September 4, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/pop-culture-in-the-godfather-by-coppola/.


StudyCorgi. "Pop Culture in “The Godfather” by Coppola." September 4, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/pop-culture-in-the-godfather-by-coppola/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Pop Culture in “The Godfather” by Coppola." September 4, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/pop-culture-in-the-godfather-by-coppola/.

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