Power Elite: The Notion of the Power Elite

Following Charles Wright Mills’ notion of the Power Elite, a small group of people, economic, political, and military leaders, holds all the power. I think that while his idea may be similar to conspiracy theory, it finds support in real examples. I agree with the proposed elite composition, but I believe that politicians usually have more power. An example of this idea manifestation is wealth distribution – in America, 1% of people own more than 32% of the national wealth (Frank, 2022). They can make more beneficial decisions for themselves, reducing the population’s well-being. Another example is the use of propaganda to maintain regimes’ political legitimacy, which forces the people to adjust to the government in Russia (Fischer, 2022). Although Mills considered American society, his concept applies to other countries.

Panoptic Surveillance

Panoptic surveillance is the constant observation of people by those who have power without direct interaction. One can find it at work sites, educational institutions, or hospitals. Such surveillance exists to maintain order where it is necessary. For example, in schools, the administration can use surveillance cameras to monitor the discipline and safety of children. Another example is government surveillance, as was at the peak of the pandemic – law enforcement agencies tracked the location of citizens during quarantine using cameras and phones. However, surveillance overuse can lead to privacy violations and abuse of power.

Power Elite from Sociological Perspective

A sociological perspective explores people’s social context to understand them; the social environment significantly determines personal opinion, behavior, and life chances. This perspective explains Mills’ idea that the Power Elite is preserved through generations – representatives of this narrow group are brought up in the same circumstances. Moreover, the Elite influences society and can thus impact the upbringing of generations.

Cultural Relativism

Traditions and beliefs differ in many cultures and may seem strange to people unfamiliar with them. For example, Native Americans celebrate death, which to other cultures may seem deviant. The reason is that death is more associated with mourning and grief in many cultures, and the celebration may seem inappropriate. However, Native Americans believe it is the beginning of life in the new spiritual world (Weiser, 2020). Applying a cultural relativism perspective, cultures and their understanding of good and wrong are different, and one cannot assess other traditions from the point of view of own culture. Therefore, contrasting views on death and related practices are developed depending on the cultural context.


Fischer, S. (2022). Russia on the road to dictatorship. Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, 30, 1-6.

Frank, R. (2022). Soaring markets helped the richest 1% gain $6.5 trillion in wealth last year, according to the Federal Reserve. CNBC.

Weiser, K. (2020). Native American rituals and ceremonies. Legends of America.

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