Self-Appraisal in Social Work: Enhancing Knowledge & Skills


It should be noted that the two assessments have revealed quite a few strengths I have in terms of my area of practice. I understand what the nature of competence is and what are the ways to integrate it into social work. I am capable of recognizing the different situations that may become across in practice and can promote human well-being within different settings purposefully. In addition, I comprehend that the competence of a social worker should be holistic (Cournoyer, 2017). It implies various cognitive and affective processes that have an impact on the outcome.

The result of assessments

The assessments have shown that, in different situations, I am capable of exhibiting critical thinking skills and managing affective reactions. In general, it may be assumed that the author of this paper possesses interrelated competencies associated with social work and recognizes the various dimensions it entails (Cournoyer, 2017). I am committed to life-long learning related to social work and ready to adapt and update my knowledge, skills, and abilities to rapidly changing environments.

Importantly, the assessments have opened up my weaknesses to which I should give particular attention. For instance, I need to understand how I can employ technology and various intervention strategies more effectively. Also, I need to comprehend the ways to integrate research into my practice (Cournoyer, 2017).


In the future, the author of this paper needs to focus on studying such aspects as social policy and administrative reports development since they are central to the successful engagement of diversity and difference in practice. To evolve both personally and professionally, I need to concentrate on developing my understanding of the influence of social, economic, ecological, and political contexts on behavior.


Cournoyer, B. R. (2017). The social work skills workbook (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

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StudyCorgi. "Self-Appraisal in Social Work: Enhancing Knowledge & Skills." August 8, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Self-Appraisal in Social Work: Enhancing Knowledge & Skills." August 8, 2021.

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