Stakeholder Roles and Barriers in Health Interventions

In the project under consideration, there are two main groups of stakeholders. On the one hand, nurses are the direct executors of an intervention who have to be properly trained, and, on the other hand, patients are the participants whose health can be measured through the offered intervention (Whitty et al., 2017). Also, it is possible to involve one health information systems officer to gather information about the patients and their families and make sure all patients meet the inclusion criteria. The participation of these people is crucial to the project. Nurses make the implementation process real, and the way of how they introduce the material and interventions define the success of the whole project. Patients have to comprehend the importance of their participation as well because of the way of how they follow the instructions and understand the guidelines to determine the outcomes.

Potential barriers to project implementation that stakeholders may present are the necessity to reach the participants at a certain period, the importance of an appropriate Internet connection, and a variety of cultural backgrounds. In some cases, patients and their families may reject their participation due to their personal preferences or doubts. Regarding such a variety of concerns, a researcher has to be ready for possible challenges and rely on several strategies. It is necessary to make sure that all participants of the intervention have enough background information about the program, the threats of pressure ulcers, and the benefits they can gain if they follow the hints offered. Communication is an integral strategy because it provides all stakeholders with the possibility to ask questions and get answers anytime. Finally, compassion and care have to be present in the relationships between all participants.

Stakeholders and Barriers: Breast Cancer

Women of different ages who may be under the threat of having breast cancer, nurses, and doctors are the stakeholders of the project under discussion. For example, the participation of women is necessary for this project because their health directly depends on how well they understand and follow an intervention. Nurses have to participate in this project to support patients and provide them with all the necessary instructions and explanations. Finally, the key participants are the doctors who have to talk to female patients and use conversation as the method to promote mammography screening and the detection of the disease at its early stage (Pak et al., 2012). All these stakeholders have to be involved in a new intervention.

The implementation of the offered intervention may be challenged by such barriers as poor awareness of women about the threats of breast cancer at a different age. Another barrier is based on the presence of psychological factors, including fear, panic, or distrust. Hospital equipment and the inability to screen in time due to personal affairs (poor time management) have to be taken into consideration. There are several ways to succeed in this intervention and overcome the above-mentioned barriers. For example, nurses have to provide patients with care and support so that any kind of fear and concern cannot prevent the process of screening. The problem of poor equipment in hospitals may be solved in case the government is informed about this necessity. Nurses and researchers should try to contact the governmental representatives and discuss the situation. Time management has to be properly organized through counseling and meetings at the workplace. The more women are informed about the threats of breast cancer, the more chances for their on-time visits to hospitals occur.


Pak, D. D., Rozhkova, N. I., Kireeva, M. N., Ermoshchenko, M. V., Nazarov, A. A., Fomin, D. K., & Rubtsova, N. A. (2012). Diagnosis of breast cancer using electrical impedance tomography. Biomedical Engineering, 46(4), 154-157.

Whitty, J. A., McInnes, E., Bucknall, T., Webster, J., Gillespie, B. M., Banks, M.,… Chaboyer, W. (2017). The cost-effectiveness of a patient centered pressure ulcer prevention care bundle: Findings from the INTACT cluster randomized trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 75, 35-42.

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