Preventing Urinary Tract Infection

The plan for preventing the occurrence of urinary tract infection due to foley catheter involves several stakeholders. The paper indicates their reasons for supporting the plan.

Registered Nurse (RN)

Why the stakeholder would or would not support the change

It is the role of Registered Nurses to ensure necessary bedside care together with infection prevention and control practices (IPC) that include hygiene, isolation precautionary measures, equipment, and environment disinfection, etc. It can be presumed that they would not be willing to accept any more responsibilities (Kovner, Brewer, Wu, Cheng, & Suzuki, 2006).

Negotiation tactic, style, or strategy to gain the full support of the stakeholder

The main strategy, in this case, is providing the necessary education. Education can include lectures, personal sessions, or distribution of learning materials in the form of brochures, leaflets, or electronic documents. In this case, it is necessary to discuss the guidelines to make sure that the goals of the prevention practice are understood fully and correctly.

Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Nurse

Why the stakeholder would or would not support the change

ICU nurses often have to work as intermediaries (El-Masri & Fox-Wasylyshyn, 2007). They have to explain to the patient the necessity of IPC. Some patients are difficult to convince, which means that some ICU Nurses would not support the change.

Negotiation tactic, style, or strategy to gain the full support of the stakeholder

Taking into account all the factors connected with their job, I must win ICU nurses’ interest before trying to introduce novelties. The person I work with should be engaged in plan development and staff training. All the concerns must be addressed and eliminated. It is also necessary to provide materials that nurses need to implement the plan.

Advanced Practice Nurse (APN)

Why the stakeholder would or would not support the change

APNs are involved in both practical and theoretical activities. It means that they may not fully support the change as they are too busy to handle such a considerable amount of information.

Negotiation tactic, style, or strategy to gain the full support of the stakeholder

To ensure the support of APNs, the strategy cannot be universal. These nurses should be approached differently since they act both as educators and health care providers. Thus, I must appeal to their leadership qualities and suggest them creating a team of educators that would integrate the technology via appraisals, awards, and recognition of the staff progress.

Cardiology Nurse (CN)

Why the stakeholder would or would not support the change

CNs are likely to support the project change as it would reduce the likelihood of heart failures (Mosterd & Hoes, 2007).

Negotiation tactic, style, or strategy to gain the full support of the stakeholder

It would not be difficult to win the support of CNs as a whole range of cardiovascular problems get aggravated because of infections. Besides, CNs do not have to involve directly into the process of implementation as it is beyond their competence.

Nurse Director

Why the stakeholder would or would not support the change

A Nurse Director, who is in charge of all the staff, maybe resistant to the change if his/her policy is generally conservative.

Negotiation tactic, style, or strategy to gain the full support of the stakeholder

The most crucial task for IPC implementation is winning the trust of the Nurse Director. His/her attitude to changes will tell on the perception of the whole personnel. Thus, I should do my best to prove the necessity of the novelty. My argument should be supported by the research, patients’ questionnaires, physicians’ support, etc.


El-Masri, M. M., & Fox-Wasylyshyn, S. M. (2007). Nurses’ roles with families: perceptions of ICU nurses. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 23(1), 43-50.

Kovner, C., Brewer, C., Wu, Y. W., Cheng, Y., & Suzuki, M. (2006). Factors associated with work satisfaction of registered nurses. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 38(1), 71-79.

Mosterd, A., & Hoes, A. W. (2007). Clinical epidemiology of heart failure. Heart, 93(9), 1137-1146

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StudyCorgi. (2020, October 27). Preventing Urinary Tract Infection.

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