Problem of the Gun Control Laws


Many people die yearly due to handgun linked incidents in the country. The number of casualties who die from gun-related accidents, in the country, is much higher compared to other bordering countries. The difference can be attributed to the other countries having much stricter gun control laws. In addition, countries need bare arm safety courses. The laws to a considerable extent have a correlation with the number of deaths that are caused by guns. This calls for the need for the nation to adopt some of the gun control laws so as to control the number of deaths.

Should We Have Stricter Gun Control Laws?

Many activists have called for the adoption and implementation of the laws. However, they have been faced with dilemmas of the rights of people and the authority’s mandate. Winthrop once captured the situation well when he said people are logically evil and if they are left alone they are likely to be even worse (Stein). The authority should control the people, and Winthrop’s proposal compares to the principle of gun control. Citizens have the right to have arms, however, this requires some accountability. The gun holders should not shoot any person freely and at will.

Better education and stricter gun control rules are essential in the country. In the country, it is easy to get a permit to bear a handgun. Nonetheless, the guns used by criminals in committed are often not licensed. Therefore, more clout is required to control the illegitimate possession of handguns. There is the need to have laws that indicate the purpose, type, and use of the gun, in cases where people are permitted to hold guns.

The persons authorized to possess guns should well be informed on proper handling, cleaning, and the use of such firearms. The process can aid in avoiding the many accidental shooting that takes place in the country. The people with firearms should be made conscious of the laws that govern the handling of guns.

Those opposed to the stricter gun control laws feel that the laws are severe. However, such persons should be made aware that the laws are what bring the difference between the European countries and the nation’s difference in the number of deaths related to guns (Witt). All criminals found charged with a gun-related offense should be disarmed first. The conflict between the people’s rights and the administration’s impediment on the rights is what has led to the lack of stricter gun control laws. The rights of handling the arms are what might be the cause of the many related gun deaths.

The many incidents of gun-related deaths occur because the country is strangely a violent nation. This is when the statistics are compared to other European nations. The many guns in the hands of people are what translate, to more homicide incidents, in the country. This happens; even though, gun ownership is declining. In addition, the states that have gun control laws have recorded fewer deaths associated with gun violence. Despite all the statistics, there has been much debate on gun control laws and the many gun-related incidents call for stricter gun control laws.


All criminals found charged with a gun-related offense should be disarmed first. The conflict between the people’s rights and the administration’s impediment on the rights is what has led to the lack of stricter gun control laws.

Works Cited

Stein. “Stricter gun laws won’t cut shootings.” CBS News. 2012. Web.

Witt. “How stricter gun control laws might have saved lives in Colorado.” The examiner. 2012. Web.

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