Problems of Management in the Organizations

Directors failing to follow the staff handbooks lead to several negative consequences in the work environment of their companies. This unlawful, unethical, and unprofessional behavior manifests itself in many forms, such as harassment, discrimination, nepotism, coercion against the will of employees, and misuse of power (Employer policies, n.d.). As a result, it “degrades workplace culture and negatively impacts health behaviors, job-related outcomes, and family dynamics” (Jahnke et al., 2019, p. 1). It also leads to “workplace hostility and discord” (Ngwane, 2018, p. 163). Another negative outcome is that employees leave the company or file lawsuits against the director and the firm. When a leading figure in a company begins to undermine the workplace culture and disrespect the foundational principles of the working relationship between employers and employees, then the company’s entire structure begins to crumble.

Program operations become one of the most damaged areas when the director fails to follow the family handbook. The least negative consequence of such actions is a decrease in organizational performance. Consequently, some or even all of the initially set goals of the strategic plan are not met, the quality of products and services decreases, and the company becomes less competitive. Because of the hostile and harmful work environment, employees are morally and physically unable and unwilling to work in their interests and the company. According to Jahnke et al. (2019), “both discrimination and harassment directly impact mental and physical health” (p. 1). Staff morale is also affected negatively in such conditions (Ngwane, 2018). A work environment where the director does not care about work ethics and established rules depresses employees; they start thinking about leaving the company for other places where they will be respected.


Employer policies. (n.d.). Workplace Fairness. Web.

Jahnke, S. A., Haddock, C. K., Jitnarin, N., Kaipust, C. M., Hollerbach, B. S., & Poston, W. S. (2019). The prevalence and health impacts of frequent work discrimination and harassment among women firefighters in the US Fire Service. BioMed Research International, 2019(6740207), 1-13. Web.

Ngwane, K. S. (2018). Workplace harassment and its impact on staff performance: A case study of a South African Higher Education Institution. Journal of Management & Administration, 2018(2), 163-189. Web.

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