Product Marketing of Augmented Reality Glasses

Market Description

Over the years, the WDTC and organizations in the media and entertainment industry have integrated AR technology into their systems, allowing their customers to enhance their experience using 3D realistic viewing. Therefore, our proposed product innovation is dynamic and competitive as it will rival some of the best producers like Apple. Currently, Apple Inc. has one of the largest AR platforms worldwide, with thousands of AR applications on its App Store and other platforms. Therefore, the product seeks to fill some gaps and offer additional capabilities to entice customers to try it out.

The demand for personalized media and entertainment solutions has grown significantly over the past years, with its peak during the Covid 19 Pandemic. As a result, most organizations have shifted service delivery options and adopted more effective solutions to deliver quality content to their consumers more efficiently. Therefore, our team concluded that innovative AR glasses with enhanced capabilities would improve the organization’s internal ecosystem and help the organization engage at a personal level with their customers and deliver services according to their desires. Therefore, our product will add value and streamline operations in the markets.

Consumers often have several options for AR glasses for their entertainment purposes. However, most media and streaming organizations do not invest in their AR glass features, leading to several issues in quality and usability. Nonetheless, our product seeks to fill gaps in consumer needs by developing a product that will appeal to consumers, meet their preferences, and provide additional options to enhance its usability and user-friendliness (De Amicis et al., 2018). For example, apart from WDTC, our product will be open to other markets to facilitate integration with various service providers. Similarly, the product will only obtain information for development from consumers, allowing the team to design a product that will address challenges.

Customer Feedback

The data collected from potential customers relating to the product innovation suggests that most consumers are frustrated with substandard products that do not offer what they claim. For example, some AR glasses on the market highlight several capabilities and usability features, while most of them are dysfunctional across service providers or do not work at all. Therefore, our design will perfect all its capabilities to make them interoperable with several service providers and media devices. Additionally, some customers may complain of poorly designed AR frames, making them uncomfortable to put on for extended periods. As a result, our product design will investigate the best facial agronomics to ensure that our consumers experience high quality and comfort (De Amicis et al., 2018). Finally, most consumers may complain about the price range because some AR glasses are expensive. However, our team will rely on usability testing and adopt the design with the most positive reviews. Therefore, the team will develop the product in a way that convinces customers of the value of their money.

The product development’s design and usability testing phases are the most crucial to its success as they will determine whether the product appeals to consumers. Therefore, the team will involve customers in the design phase to collect data on their preferences and incorporate vital capabilities according to the respondent’s preferences. Similarly, the team will obtain information from customers during the usability testing phase to identify shortcomings and determine the improvements that will differentiate the product from others in the market. Ultimately, the team aims to develop an unmatched product that will compete with some of the most established innovations on the market.


De Amicis, R., Ceruti, A., Francia, D., Frizziero, L., & Simões, B. (2018). Augmented reality for virtual user manual. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM), 12(2), 689-697.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, March 12). Product Marketing of Augmented Reality Glasses.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "Product Marketing of Augmented Reality Glasses." March 12, 2023.

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