Analysis of Roman and Early Church History: Historical and Theological Insights

Analyzing the suggested control charts, we can find out some important data related to the functioning of Stooge Enterprises and the quality of wooden mallets manufactured by it. As we can see, the chart provides data about the diameter operation observed in workers during all three shifts at different periods. The nominal specification is 16.500 with a tolerance of plus or minus 0,04 inches. From the control chart, we can see that numerous claims about the decrease in the quality of provided mallets are fair. The majority of workers demonstrate a significant divergence from the norm even considering the permissible tolerance.

For this reason, the given chart could be used to justify the necessity of the intervention aimed at the improvement of the quality of products and preservation of the company s image. Additionally, data collected during observations show oscillations in workers performance depending on the shift and measurement period. It could be used while looking for the appropriate solution to this problematic issue.

Nevertheless, significant divergences in diameters during different shifts and periods indicated the lack of control over the process. In other words, the company is not able to guarantee the preservation of the high-quality wooden mallets provided to its client. There are several causes for it. First, reconsideration of the working process and introduction of additional shifts might impact workers performance, their attention levels, motivation, skills, etc.

In other words, it could become a significant stressor for them resulting in a lack of control and deteriorated outcomes. Second, the employment of new workers might also precondition the decrease in the quality of final products because of the absence of the needed experience among them and their inability to follow the quality standards accepted by the company. Finally, the introduction of the discussed monitoring tool with constant measurements might also depress workers and stipulate the reduction of their performance levels.

There is an obvious need for the intervention to improve the current state of the company and ensure that the high quality of wooden mallets will be restored. In such a way, specific corrective actions should be suggested. First, it is critical to returning to the previous shifts pattern.

Data from the control char evidence that workers demonstrate a decrease in their performance during third shifts. Additionally, employees who manufacture wooden mallets within the permissible tolerance during one shift suffer from the deterioration of their results during another one. It means that the practice of changing shifts is not efficient and should be eliminated to preserve the high level of efficiency and provide workers with the most comfortable working conditions. Additionally, a significant number of new workers who have no experience in producing this sort of goods should be provided with additional training to ensure that they will be able to manufacture high-quality wooden mallets within the accepted norm.

Process capability could be determined as a measurable property of a process to the specification which is traditionally expressed as process capability index or a process performance index (Blokdyk, 2018). The two basic elements of process capability are the measurement of the variability of the process’s output and its comparison with a proposed specification or product tolerance (Blokdyk, 2018).

In other words, this comparison is made using the ratio of the spread between the process specifications to the spread of process values (Montgomery, 2012). Thus, the process capability could be found in the following way:

Cp=(USL – LSL) /(6*Sigma)

USL (upper specification limit) – 16.500 + 0,04 = 16.540

LSL (lower specification limit) – 16.500 – 0,04 = 16.460.

The process means – 16.500

Standard deviation (sigma) – 0.02

Cp= (16.540-16.460) / (6*Sigma)= 0,08 /(6*0.02) = 0.66

Sigma – standard deviation.

The data analyzed in previous sections demonstrate that the company at the moment faces significant problems. First, the deterioration of the quality of manufactured goods results in the emergence of problems with the primary clients. Being no satisfied with the provided goods, they might refuse to buy them and find another supplier. Second, the image of the company also suffers from the inability to supply high-quality wooden mallets that meet all expectations and can be used in different processes. Altogether, all these issues indicate the existence of the problem with the quality of final products and performance levels.

These should be addressed to ensure that the company will preserve its leading positions in the market and will be able to continue its evolution. For this reason, it is crucial to introduce measures that could help to minimize the negative impact of these aspects and create a beneficial environment cultivating the enhanced quality of manufactured goods.

Considering the data suggested in the control table, we can suggest that regarding the current state of the quality control and divergences in diameters of final products, at least 1/5 of all mallets will be corrupted. It also means that in 10,000 mallets, 20,000 will have defects that will result in the significant deterioration of their quality and growth of dissatisfaction in customers who might use them for different processes.


Blokdyk, G. (2018). Process capability: A clear and concise reference. New York, NY: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.

Montgomery, D. (2012). Statistical quality control (7th ed.). New York, NY: Wiley.

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