The Evolving Role of Professional Nursing: Responsibilities and Ethical Considerations


Professional nurses should develop superior competencies and ideas that resonate with their patients’ changing needs. The discussion below examines a number of issues that clinicians and caregivers should take seriously. These include patient safety, collaboration, leadership, informatics, and professionalism.


The concept of collaboration is essential for promoting teamwork and creating the best model for improving care delivery. Nurses can consider various strategies to promote collaboration with different health professionals and disciplines. The first one is that of teamwork. This approach creates the best environment for sharing ideas. Being social is the second attribute that brings together nurses, physicians, clinicians, and patients. Practitioners should also commit themselves whenever working in groups. The idea of a multidisciplinary approach encourages nurses to collaborate with other professionals (Hassmiller & Reinhard, 2015). Appropriate leadership competencies also empower nurses to interact with others efficiently and improve care delivery.

Patient Safety and Quality

Most of the nurses in my clinical settings embrace various measures to improve patient safety and quality of care. The outstanding ones include the use of nursing theory, utilization of clinical guidelines, and the concept of teamwork. These strategies empower them to develop superior care delivery models. Some also form multidisciplinary teams, depending on their patients’ health needs (Hood, 2017).

My colleagues consider nursing models, such as patient-centered and collaborative approaches to deliver high-quality medical services. The unit can promote several initiatives to improve a non-punitive culture of safety. The first one is the introduction of a superior change focusing on evidence-based care delivery models (Hooper, 2016). The use of emerging technologies to meet patients’ needs is also essential. The concept of lifelong learning will encourage every nurse to promote a culture of safety.

Challenging Nursing Care Issue

The selected nursing care issue is that of medication errors. These are sentinel events that occur when patients receive wrong drugs or dosages. Such occurrences can be detrimental since they affect individuals’ health outcomes. The concept of evidence-based practice can address this issue. This means that nurse practitioners (NPs) can consider emerging ideas and procedures to prevent sentinel events, including medication errors (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, n.d.). Some good examples include proper drug labeling, multidisciplinary teams, adoption of modern technologies, and the introduction of dosing calculation educational programs.

A powerful approach is appropriate for searching for evidence from databases such as CINAHL. The targeted evidence will empower nurses to address this challenging nursing issue. The first step is to select the right database (Massachusetts Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies, 2016). The second one is identifying the right terms. This will be followed by the research process. The final stage is using the collected evidence to design appropriate strategies for reducing medication errors (Saifan, Safieh, Milbes, & Shibly, 2015). These key search terms will be considered: multidisciplinary teams, medication errors, dosing calculation, and drug labeling.


The nurse leader (NL) in my unit exhibits enviable skills that can empower many professionals to address their patients’ needs. The individual embraces a servant leadership model to guide others. Such a leader forms teams and empowers others to achieve their potential (Marquis & Huston, 2015). He encourages nurses to be part of the decision-making process, addresses emerging issues, and puts patients’ needs first.

He mentors, trains, and advises every follower. I always feel empowered whenever working with this individual. He encourages me to develop a powerful philosophy for supporting my patients. He has equipped me with numerous ideas that have made me a competent leader, including effective communication, critical thinking, teamwork, and collaboration. I will embrace a servant leadership style in the future to form multidisciplinary teams and meet my patients’ health needs.

Informatics and Nursing

Informatics plays a significant role in my nursing practice. This concept empowers caregivers to gather information and analyze data to influence care delivery. It presents adequate evidence that can result in superior care delivery models.

The approach also guides decision-making processes in nursing practice. The idea supports the introduction of technological systems to present new knowledge for effective evidence-based practice (Hoffman & Guttendorf, 2017). However, some ethical concerns have emerged from the use of informatics, including confidentiality when handling patients’ data, the autonomy of information systems, and conflicting personal beliefs. NPs should address these issues in order to maximize the benefits of informatics.

AACN BSN Essential

The selected AACN BSN Essential is that of Professionalism and Professional Values (number 8). The meaning of this requirement is that practitioners should demonstrate the core values associated with care delivery and focus on the best practices to deliver optimal health outcomes (Campbell, 2017). They should do so by applying principles of respect, ethics, excellence, altruism, caring, and accountability. Practitioners should embrace the power of lifelong learning and emerging ideas to provide high-quality patient care (Jeffries, 2015). I selected this AACN Essential since it can guide me to become a competent provider of superior medical services. Consequently, I will improve my nursing philosophy, collaborate with others, and improve my competencies.


The above discussion has revealed that nurses should develop superior philosophies and values to provide high-quality services to their patients. The use of informatics, leadership, and evidence-based knowledge can transform nursing practice. I am also planning to identify various attributes, principles, and concepts that will make me a professional FNP.


American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (n.d.). AACN essentials. 

Campbell, K. N. (2017). History, passion, and performance. Workplace Health & Safety, 65(4), 164-167. Web.

Hassmiller, S. B., & Reinhard, S. C. (2015). A bold new vision for America’s health care system. Nursing Outlook, 63(1), 41-47. Web.

Hoffman, L., A., & Guttendorf, J. (2017). Preparation and evolving role of the acute nurse practitioner. Chest Journal, 152(6), 1339-1345. Web.

Hood, L. J. (2017). Professional nursing (9th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Hooper, V. D. (2016). The Institute of Medicine report on the future of nursing: Where are we 5 years later? Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 31(5), 367-369. Web.

Jeffries, P. R. (2015). The evolving health care system: The need for nursing education reform. Journal of Professional Nursing, 31(6), 441-443. Web.

Marquis, B. L., & Huston, C. J. (2015). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application (8th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Massachusetts Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies. (2016). Registered nurse. Web.

Saifan, A. R., Safieh, H. A., Milbes, R., & Shibly, R. (2015). Suggestions to close the gap in nursing education: Nursing students’ perceptions. International Journal of Nursing Didactics, 5(10), 5-12. Web.

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