Psychodynamic Approach: Creativity and Bipolar Disorder

Should the board of trustees fire Samuel because of his poor decisions? Are there other options available?

Analyzing the given case, we could state that first of all, Samuel is a good worker and leader. He can function in stress and make necessary decisions when he is in remission. It means that his strong sides could be used to bring benefits to the company. At the same time, when his state becomes worse because of bipolar disorder, he might act unwisely. However, the board of trustees should consider the fact that this kind of mental disease could be treated and in case Samuel uses measures to prevent this disorder, he might be useful and contribute to the further companys rise.

Who could help Samuel to be made aware of his disturbing behaviors?

Samuel should address psychotherapists to get rid of disturbing behaviors and be able to live a full life. The fact is that modern psychiatry states that people suffering from bipolar disorder should not be isolated from society as they could be treated and their strange behaviors could be suppressed. That is why Samuel should use medications prescribed by a therapist and be aware of his behavior. In case some alterations are observed, he could be warned by close people and take pills to arrest an attack of the disease.

How can Samuel’s family help him address his bipolar disorder?

Family support is extremely vital in cases like that. Bassett (2012) states that among patients suffering from bipolar disorder, those who are welcomed and supported by their families have more chances to remain balanced and minimize the number of outbreaks. The fact is that it is crucial for a person to feel that he/she is not isolated and remains a part of society (Bassett, 2012). In such a case he/she will try to struggle against the disease and behave in a usual way. That is why Samuels family should support him and be ready to admit alterations in his behavior to warn him and arrest an attack. Additionally, they could also call a therapist in case the situation worsens, and immediate help is needed.

What ideas do you have about leveraging Samuel’s strengths and minimizing his troublesome behaviors in the workplace? What type of workplace structure does he need to be successful?

As we could see, Samuels main strengths are connected with his leadership qualities and his ability to manage people and delegate duties. Thus, creativity is one of the main aspects that could help people like Samuel remain adequate and cooperate with people (Johnson et al., 2015). That is why any unusual task might help him to concentrate and provide an outstanding result. However, in case he meets another kind of task, Samuel is not able to control himself and obtains disturbing behaviors. For this reason, it is possible to suggest a specific environment that will have a positive impact on his personality. Besides, a structured and hierarchical setting could be considered the appropriate one. Samuel will clearly understand the main demands and control his actions not to destroy the existing framework and remain efficient.

What can a coach do to help Samuel balance his behavior?

First of all, Samuel should be provided with information about the main causes that trigger outbreaks of his disease and might result in disturbing behaviors (Bassett, 2012). To obtain this very information, a coach should analyze Samuels case and understand what stressors might affect him most of all. Additionally, Samuel should be provided with the detailed instruction on how to calm himself down when the first symptoms of the outbreak are discovered. Additionally, the basics of the usage of pills should also be explained. The combination of these points will help Samuel to remain stable and act efficiently in his workplace.


Bassett, D. (2012). Borderline personality disorder and bipolar affective disorder. Spectra or spectre? Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 46(4), 327-339. Web.

Johnson, S., Moezpoor, M., Murray, G., Hole, R., Barnes, S., Crest, B., & Michalak, E. (2015). Creativity and bipolar disorder. Qualitative Health Research, 26(1), 32-40. Web.

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