Public Health: Global Health Major

My degree aim is a Public Health Bachelor’s Degree in Arts. The profession I want to get is Health administrator or health policy or health promotion. Since I grew up in a rural community and saw what individuals face there, my desire in the future is to be able to provide the best services to the population of such regions. I consider it necessary to protect the rural community’s health and prevent the spread of diseases by improving people’s health. In particular, this aspect concerns the Latin community, which is chartered as one of the most defenseless in terms of health care. The way that, in my opinion, can help in this goal is the promotion of social justice. Other measures may also be the provision of influence social, political, and economic factors. Therefore, I am considering obtaining a Public Health Bachelor’s Degree of Arts, and acquiring a profession in the health industry will help me develop my personal qualities and provide assistance to people in rural communities.

Aspiration is one of the most important driving forces for getting the bachelor’s degree I aim at. This is also the reason for my interest in Public Health-Global Health Major, as it can help me in my future practice. In addition, it will significantly assist in learning personal, academic, and community qualities. Hence, I believe that one of the essential parts of work in healthcare is ensuring the proper quality of healthcare services and reducing the risk to public health. This is my main desire and the reason for choosing this particular profession. Moreover, it will help me develop communication skills to ensure satisfaction and trust from my future patients.

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