Public Health: The Evidence-Based Policy and Practice

Over the past several years, there has been a growth in evidenced-base (EB) policy and practice in the public health arena. Is there a need for this type of policy making? What are the limitations of EB policy and practice? Be sure to use the readings to support your response.

The increase of evidence-based policy and practice in the public health arena has both positive and negative effects, however, such policymaking is really useful and important. Ham, Hunter, and Robinson (1995) state that it must go without saying that policy making in health care is relied on specific evidence. The main arguments which can explain the positive effect of evidenced-base policy and practice in public health are as follows. To make a powerful decision, health professionals have to rely on valid information considered after the practical experiments and strong conclusions. Findings researched by scholars can be used for treating individuals and even creating specific treating programs (Haines & Donald, 1998).

Nevertheless, there are a number of negative effects caused by using evidence-based policy and practice. Lack of necessary information, bad quality, the inability to measure the outcomes, and a restricted number of adequate tests may have negative effect on policymaking. Furthermore, evidence-based recommendations may be too broad, without specification and, therefore, useless (Briss, et al., 2000). There are many cases when policies are made on the basis of incomplete evidence that causes numerous problems. However, the presence of limitations in the evidence-based policy and practice does not point to the uselessness of the method in policymaking. It is important to weight evidence before making a policy, as well as it is important to weigh each policy while making a decision in the public health arena (Anderson, L. M., et al.).

Reference List

Anderson, L. M., et al. (2005). Evidence-based public health policy and practice: promises and limits. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 25(5S), 226-230.

Briss, P.A., Zaza, S., Pappaioanou, M., et al. (2000). Developing an evidence-based guide to community preventive services–methods. Journal of Preventive Medicine, 18, 35-43.

Haines, A. & Donald, A. (1998). Getting research findings into practice – making better use of research findings. British Medical Journal, 317(7150), 72-75.

Ham, C., Hunter, D.J. & Robinson, R. (1995). Evidence-based policy-making. British Medical Journal, 310(6972), 71-72.

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