When to Use Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods

Choosing a qualitative or a quantitative research methodology is one of the first steps a researcher must take when considering a new study. These approaches to investigating are different at the core – according to Goertz and Mahoney (2012), they can be perceived as unique cultures. This idea is based on the fact that the methodologies vary in many ways, starting from how a problem can be explained and ending with the interpretation of collected data.

At the beginning of the investigative process, qualitative research focuses on individual cases. It is vital for this style of research to see the problem in more detail to understand the center of the issue and ways to examine it further (Goertz & Mahoney, 2012; Lichtman, 2012). Aspers and Corte (2019) suggest that qualitative methodology strives to get closer to the phenomenon and understand it. As a result, a study in this approach seeks specific cases that help formulate a hypothesis.

In contrast, quantitative research’s approach is to answer a specific question that has been posed by a researcher. Here, the effect of independent variables on a dependent variable is essential (Goertz & Mahoney, 2012). Therefore, a random selection of participants is preferred in order to create a sample that is not influenced by the researcher’s view of the phenomenon (Goertz & Mahoney, 2012). For instance, Rutberg and Bouikidis (2018) find that quantitative studies are concerned with phenomena that have or can have standardized measurements. Here, the numbers are systematized, and social aspects of studies are not as vital as in qualitative research.

To sum up, one can answer a specific question with the help of quantitative research. On the other hand, qualitative research helps with investigating concepts and modeling new questions. This description helps distinguish the two approaches as cultures that are different at the basis of their structure and thought process. Quantitative and qualitative research is equally essential for scientific progress, and the understanding of each methodology is vital for formulating and answering questions.


Aspers, P., & Corte, U. (2019). What is qualitative in qualitative research. Qualitative sociology, 42(2), 139-160. Web.

Goertz, G., & Mahoney, J. (2012). A tale of two cultures. Princeton University Press.

Lichtman, M. (2012). Qualitative research in education: A user’s guide. SAGE.

Rutberg, S., & Bouikidis, C. D. (2018). Focusing on the fundamentals: A simplistic differentiation between qualitative and quantitative research. Nephrology Nursing Journal, 45(2), 209-213.

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StudyCorgi. "When to Use Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods." February 19, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/qualitative-and-quantitative-research/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "When to Use Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods." February 19, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/qualitative-and-quantitative-research/.

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