Symmetry in Sciences and Technology Studies

It takes a lot of effort, attempts, and time to make a significant scientific discovery. All research workers have their own points of view on a particular phenomenon, which causes the inevitability of lengthy disputes and debates. However, as everybody knows, truth is always born in an argument. That is why the symmetrical approach to studying debates is widely used in Sciences and Technology Studies (STS).

The concept of “symmetry” has a specific meaning and is essential in STS and in studying scientific controversies. People are used to thinking that symmetry is only harmony, balance, and equal proportions. However, according to Sismondo, symmetry in STS shows the force of causes, often of one type, explaining both true and false beliefs of scientists (121). It would be wrong to say that the primary function of this approach is identifying the incorrect theories or that the convictions of researchers whose hypotheses were not confirmed were not well-grounded (Sismondo 121). The importance of symmetry in STS is to encourage the efforts of scientists in the search for ideas, regardless of whether they are correct or not. The symmetrical approach to presenting dissents among researchers shows the significance of these controversies and the dissimilarity in understanding concepts by different people.

The symmetry approach is vital in STS and studying controversies because it promotes understanding the nature of consensus and closure of debates. It makes people realize that discussion in science is inevitable. The essence of this approach is that researchers pay special attention to those aspects of specific facts or phenomena that cause the most controversy, and thanks to this approach, they come to a consensus.

Work Cited

Sismondo, Sergio. An Introduction to Science and Technology Studies. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.

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