The Differences between Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods

Generally, qualitative and quantitative studies are two types of research conducted in science. The first type is designed to learn as much as possible about the properties of the phenomenon or object being analyzed. There are no strict criteria for how information is collected — a free form can be used. Qualitative research is a source of hypothesis formation and productive ideas (Farnsworth, 2019). In turn, quantitative research methods are based on a specific set of strategies, assumptions, and methodological prescriptions (Swaim, 2022). A feature of quantitative research is the active use of mathematical models (Farnsworth, 2019). Statistical analyses require a variety of calculations, which means numerical information must be used. Different data can be combined with quantitative research, and correlations between specific indicators can be deduced. I believe that my study is more suited to the qualitative type of research, which is due to the nature of the variables considered in the paper.

The topic of the study is the effect of nutrition and lifestyle on the development of breast cancer among black women. Based on the nature of the study itself, as well as the research question, it is more appropriate to use a qualitative strategy. Sufficient information about the independent variable can be gathered through interviews and surveys about black women’s health habits and routines. Through open-ended questions and free-form responses, it will be possible to assess more fully the variety of factors that cause breast cancer. The essence of quantitative research is mainly hypothesis testing, while the current study aims to deepen the understanding of the problem. It may be possible to test the hypothesis in the next, narrower study using a quantitative strategy after the current study is conducted.


Farnsworth, B. (2019). Qualitative vs quantitative research – what is the difference? iMotions. Web.

Swaim, A. B. (2022). What is the difference between quantitative and qualitative research? Verywell Mind. Web.

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