Quality Bicycle Products Plans for the Future

Making up mind on identifying various options and choosing the best, at the most appropriate times, is a crucial part of a decision-making process. The implementation of policies by the right personnel, at the precise time and using the best mechanisms, can be termed as sound planning. One way to set an organization on the best course ever, whether in restructuring its management in an existing or a new place is through organized planning. It helps entities and communities adapt to the changed state of affairs. An organization would spell out the immediate issues, as well as seize any key opportunities they face, even as they work towards the set long-term targets.

QBP President doing the planning will be of immense importance in the construction of the warehouse. Considering that QBP is a well-established distributor in the U.S., and has successfully secured the services of distributing the Riley bikes (Carpet 1). This explains the concept of a trusted brand and the construction of a warehouse in Ogden will serve more purpose in increasing sales. His involvement would bring out a clear picture, and a rough estimate of the sales volume concerning the capacity of the warehouse. In addition, the types of bikes stoked, as well as the auxiliary parts would also be considered. He understands the running of the QBP than an appointed executive.

Another significant aspect of the planning process that would come along with his planning is that he and the management will be able to account for the intended costs of constructing the warehouse and other related costs. It would also be easier for them to handle extra staff and staffing needs. Ogden is a preferred place for various outdoor sports, and relatively many inhabitants, it offers an excellent expansion opportunity for this distributor. An appointed executive may lack the strong relationship required between the organization and the community in addressing their needs and preferences. The president would take the customer’s recreational needs at heart, as he or she is well versed with the organization’s goal(s) and objectives. It would be a priority to execute the duties to the best level. This quality may lack in an appointed executive.

Having won an award in conserving the environment, according to standards set by Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), such state of professionalism would be maintained by the President’s involvement. Setting up the warehouse will cost the QBP a lot of money considering its huge investment. Planning would help the management to know the recovery period before the returns on investment override the initial costs. However, this will depend on the distributorship power and the customer perceptions, preferences, tastes, and needs (Carpet 1).

QBP has already paid those employees from its rented space and the MINN base, who are regarding a move to the northwest city, its intended next base. The relocation process is costing BQP some money; hence planning becomes inevitable under the President’s steer. Currently, QBP is under a lease agreement and holding a space not far from Ogden, where it is carrying out its activities and incurring costs of paying 50 people in the current basic running of its operations. A move to Ogden will also see QBP entrusting to Ogden’s city administration at 125 percent (Carpet, 1).


Carpiet, Lynette. “QBP to Open Utah Warehouse Next Year”. Bicycle Retailer and Industry News. 2011. Web.

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