Quality Management Observation in a Hospital

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The concept of quality management embraces a bulk of aspects and perspectives that are not always presented on data collection agenda. In particular, there are services and daily responsibilities that nurses should undertake and that are not specified in the officially compiled codes and policies. It is obvious that our surgeons and anesthesiologists are board accredited and certified by the Joint Commission once in three years. There are also regulations that keep our physicians highly qualified, as well as our patients protected and insured legally by the bill of rights. The pre- and post-operative procedures are quality managed and, therefore, our customers do not have any doubts concerning the quality of management. Nevertheless, many issues should be considered with more regard.

Importance of the Presented Issues

Aside from recognized quality standards, there are those which are observed by our staff without official knowledge. This particularly concerns the approaches that nurses apply while treating patients in terms of communication. A collaborative approach includes culturally and socially determined models of communications that prevail in our practice (Block and Sredl, 2006). All these theoretical frameworks contribute enormously to the quality of management and the reputable image of our medical center. Because these models and approaches are useful for increasing the quality standards, these models should be presented as officially registered training programs included into the educational curriculum within the hospital setting.

Steps that could be taken to resolve the issue

In order to take control of the nurses’ daily operations and treatment techniques, certain quality standards should be introduced. At this point, the introduction of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act 1996 will improve the monitoring of operating rules, establish better electronic health care information processing, and provide national identifiers for health plans, providers, and employers (Health and Human Services, n. d.). In this respect, the consideration of all educational programs and reforms should be fixed settled by the center administration.

A more careful analysis of specific procedures and processes held within the hospital should be fixed by an appointed person who will consider the gaps and advantages of introducing a particular change. These policies should be implemented for controlling the observances of ethical and moral codes. The identified programs and reforms can contribute greatly to the overall process of quality management and improvement which should constantly undergo change. Due to the permanency of introduced shifts, our center should be ready to face challenges and approach each case with regard to the accepted quality standards.

The impact that resolving this issue would have

With regard to the above-introduced measures, the studies provided by Newhouse et al. (2006) reveal that the emergence and development of a strong work environment is the core requirement for improving quality management and implementing new programs in evidence-based practice and operational processes. In addition, the programs and reforms introduced to the center should be closely adapted to the prevailing styles of training. In other words, nurses should feel comfortable while they pass through a learning course and there should be a specific group division among nurses according to preferable learning styles (Rousel and Swansburg, 2006). In general, the presented steps can turn out to be effective for increasing the control of quality and secure management. Specifically, it will help administrators introduce transparent systems of handling daily operations and treating patients more effectively. Nurse professionals will now apply to official and more consistent models of training and education.


Block, V., and Sredl, D. (2006). Nursing Education and Professional Practice: A Collaborative Approach to Enhance Retention. Journal for Nurses in Staff Development. 22(1), 23-28.

Health and Human Services (n. d.). The HIPPA Law and Related Information. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Web.

Newhouse, R.P., Pettit, J.C., Rocco, L., & Poe, S. (2006). The slippery slope: Differentiating between quality improvement and research. Journal of Nursing Administration, 36(4), 211-219.

Rousel, L., and Swansburg, R. C. (2006). Management and Leadership for Nurse Administrators. US: Jones and Bartlett Learning.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Quality Management Observation in a Hospital." April 15, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/quality-management-observation-in-a-hospital/.


StudyCorgi. "Quality Management Observation in a Hospital." April 15, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/quality-management-observation-in-a-hospital/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Quality Management Observation in a Hospital." April 15, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/quality-management-observation-in-a-hospital/.

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