Race and Racism: A Historical Perspective


Defining the concepts of race and racism is necessary to build effective ways to combat discrimination based on deep societal beliefs. The history of racism is rooted in the development of human civilization, which is why this phenomenon is difficult to eradicate. In today’s world, racism is unacceptable and has been proven to affect the life of a discriminated group negatively. The modern understanding of race moves away from biological characteristics and accepts this phenomenon as a social construct. At the same time, racism, having a deep past, continues to hinder the democratic development of society.

Main Body

Initially, race was a specific defining set of biological characteristics. However, racism always appeals to the historical and social context and has no biological, genetic, or natural justification. Modern science has proven no compelling reason to categorize people based on innate traits. The concept of race refers to the color of the skin, the shape of the eyes, and the texture of the hair. These criteria were not given meaning by nature but by society during its development. In today’s world, the concept of race may be dismissed as biological but perceived as part of an identity in a social context. The debate about whether race is a reality or an illusion continues to worry people. Race matters for micro-social and macro-social human division based on invalid attributes. Racism based on structure, prejudice, and discrimination, despite the change in the concept of race, is not a historical relic; it continues to be valid to this day.

The concept of race and the phenomenon of racism goes deep into the past and was associated with the establishment of the first large-scale contacts between different peoples. It is believed that the word ‘race’ came to Europe in the 20th century from the Arabic language. The concept of race has become a way of building cultural and social boundaries as international contacts expand. The notion of race began to take hold not at a time when differences between people were radical but when they started to blur with globalization. This phenomenon may be associated with attempts to maintain the separation of people based on external signs.

Race and racism became especially important after the Age of Enlightenment and Romanticism, coinciding with modern countries’ formation. The phenomenon of racism began to manifest itself in the fact that people assessed the behavior, status, and potential of a person based on external signs. Modern racism has become a more severe manifestation of historical discrimination, coinciding with the emergence of modern statehood and the strengthening of signs of human division.


In conclusion, the concept of race and the phenomenon of racism have deep historical roots. Modern science proves that there are no biological reasons why dividing people into categories based on external features can be possible. The concept of race began to take hold with the weakening of cultural and social differences with the onset of globalization. Racism results from the wrong belief that external characteristics can determine a person’s ability and behavior. The modern cruel form of racism is based on deep-seated prejudices that have developed over the centuries and coincided with the formation of statehood.

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StudyCorgi. "Race and Racism: A Historical Perspective." December 29, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/race-and-racism-a-historical-perspective/.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "Race and Racism: A Historical Perspective." December 29, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/race-and-racism-a-historical-perspective/.

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