Radicalism Phenomenon During the American Revolution

The main purpose of this article is to shed light on some of the aspects of the Revolution, which is typically viewed as a rebellion of the British colonies in North America against the British rule. The author insists that the history of the Revolution has been sanitized to a considerable extent and that the actual event involved cooperation among people from all social strata, leading to the phenomenon known as radicalism.

The key question that the author is addressing is as follows: to what degree did the phenomenon of radicalism manifest itself during the American Revolution?

The most important evidence in this article is the mentioning of the social change that occurred to the people living in North America. The author draws the readers’ attention to the fact that the people were ready for a tremendous change in their lives. Furthermore, the fact that the revolution was anticipated by several people belonging to the lower social class also sheds more light on the forces behind the changes that engulfed North American colonies and led to the creation of an independent state. However, the alteration of the social attitudes toward the idea of being under the rule of Great Britain should not be viewed as the only impressive piece of evidence supplied by the author. Apart from addressing some of the controversial societal issues, the paper also calls attention to some of the honorable historic figures that made the transgression from a set of colonies scattered across the continent to a united state a possibility. For instance, the mentioning of Hutchinson as one of the key people behind the transformation of the political landscape of the state should be deemed as an essential piece of evidence used in the article. Finally, the description of the economic changes that the colonies and the British Empire were experiencing at the time needs to be considered an important addition to the overall understanding of the phenomenon.

The key concepts we need to understand in this article are colonialism, democracy, racial profiling, slavery tyranny, and human rights. The list could go on; however, the identified concepts encompass most of the article’s content. Allowing the readers to focus on the significance of fighting for human rights and freedoms, the identified notions serve as the basis for developing an understanding of the significance and weight of the American Revolution.

The main conclusion in this article is that the democratization of American society was inevitable. The need for a social change had been brewing for decades until it finally came to a boiling point and resulted in the redesign of the form of the government and creating prerequisites for the creation of a democratic society.

The main assumption underlying the author’s thinking is that the change in the social environment would have happened no matter what. The author of the article stresses the fact that the alterations in the government system and how people interacted in American society at the time were practically unavoidable due to the social tension. However, there is a possibility that the outcomes might be different, with the further reinforcement of British rule.

What are the consequences of this author’s line of reasoning? The author’s arguments may help the American population understand their history better.

The main point of view presented in this article is that the social changes were inescapable. Therefore, relationships based on equality are the only possible model of social interactions.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, October 15). Radicalism Phenomenon During the American Revolution. https://studycorgi.com/radicalism-phenomenon-during-the-american-revolution/

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StudyCorgi. (2020) 'Radicalism Phenomenon During the American Revolution'. 15 October.

1. StudyCorgi. "Radicalism Phenomenon During the American Revolution." October 15, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/radicalism-phenomenon-during-the-american-revolution/.


StudyCorgi. "Radicalism Phenomenon During the American Revolution." October 15, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/radicalism-phenomenon-during-the-american-revolution/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Radicalism Phenomenon During the American Revolution." October 15, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/radicalism-phenomenon-during-the-american-revolution/.

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