Recognition of Visual Patterns Using Hierarchical Neurons


The recognition of patterns has erstwhile been considered simple and straightforward for human beings. This is however not the case while dealing with machines and it can be quite taxing to train or program a computer to recognize such patterns. In this realm, the best way to try and understand the best patterns to follow is by depiction of the human brain in the design principles. The system used to recognize motor vehicle number plates will be constantly referred to. The main advantage of this mode will be an increase in precision in recognition of distorted signals. This precision will be increased by the hierarchical toleration of positional errors in a stepwise manner. This will make the system learn to recognize patterns which have been distorted. The paper will mainly seek to address the little research that is available on recognition of distorted patterns through the hierarchical process of tolerating the positional errors.


This paper aims at proposing a model that can be used for visual pattern recognition. This will be looked into in line with a system that can be applied for recognition of visual patterns. The research will ape the human brain though the hierarchical processes of learning.


In addressing the aims of the research, this paper will narrow down to the following objectives:

  • The learning process
  • Training of the system
  • Hierarchical recognition
  • Response of the system


This chapter gives a presentation of the methodology used for this study. The chapter is inclusive of elements such as research design, sampling framework and technique, data collection and recording, research analysis, study imitations and ethical considerations.


  • Research design- qualitative and quantitative research
  • Sampling technique- respondents who will take place in the research
  • Data collection-procedures to be followed
  • Data recording- modes of data storage to be used
  • Research analysis- techniques that will be utilized
  • Resources for the research analysis- the resources that will be required and utilized
  • Ethical considerations- the set of ethical standards to be used


The proposed scheme in this research will follow a hierarchical pattern of recognition and training of the system. The system will be taught the ability of recognizing patterns through learning; this will start from a lower stage gradually rising into a higher stage. The process will be insisted on until the system can be used to recognize any set of patterns.


The works done by various authors are so deep and pertinent in this research and can be hailed as great. However, in this paper, there will be focus on filling the gaps that have been left by these researches. The concept of the visual patter recognition will be looked into in details. This will serve not just to fill the gaps that have been left but also to make the concept clear as in the following outline.

In the hierarchy of pattern recognition, the features of the input patter are first extracted at a very low stage and then integrated into more globalised features. At the end, the higher stages integrate the input information into a single set and thus respond into a certain pattern. This shows that the final response of the higher stages show the end result of the pattern recognition.

This research proposal will be arranged in a sequential manner to showcase the process of recognition of visual patterns. Fixing of errors which can result in poisoning will be insisted on such that the system can be depended on in case of distorted images. In the design process, the human brain processes will be used and constantly refer to a sample system that can be used to recognize motor vehicle registration numbers.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, March 28). Recognition of Visual Patterns Using Hierarchical Neurons.

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StudyCorgi. (2022) 'Recognition of Visual Patterns Using Hierarchical Neurons'. 28 March.

1. StudyCorgi. "Recognition of Visual Patterns Using Hierarchical Neurons." March 28, 2022.


StudyCorgi. "Recognition of Visual Patterns Using Hierarchical Neurons." March 28, 2022.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Recognition of Visual Patterns Using Hierarchical Neurons." March 28, 2022.

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