Recommendations for Advancing the Service

This paper recommends that Evie expands its operations by including more professionals in its team to make Evie more practical and user-friendly while prioritizing artificial intelligence.

Implementation will take place within 180 days (6 months) of approval. Improved productivity, reliability, and productivity will be realized by making the market accept more use of Artificial Intelligence and gaining more capital to advance Evie into a more user-friendly virtual personal assistant.


Due to globalization, there is increased cooperation between investors from different parts of the world in business. This has made scheduling meetings between individuals in different time zones and cultural places complex for most employees. Productivity has also been highly affected because much time is lost as they strive to coordinate routine office work and schedule meetings. However, Evie.AI is based in Singapore, and it has faced challenges in raising enough capital to fund and improve Evie into a more effective and user-friendly virtual assistant.


  • Encourage the use of artificial intelligence: This can be done by ensuring that there is safety regarding data privacy and cyberattacks on Evie.
  • Seek more funding from global investors: This can be done by listing the company in the stock market, making it a public company to gain more capital and fund its ventures.
  • Advancing Evie and making it more user-friendly: This includes adding more features to the software to enable it to carry out more tasks and make it easier for the user to interact.

Basis for recommendation

Encourage the use of artificial intelligence: Most other companies, still afraid of adopting artificial intelligence in their operations, are mainly worried about security. Some governments, including the U.S. government, have imposed restrictions on artificial intelligence. Therefore to overcome these challenges, Evie.AI will have to show the benefits of its software, such as increasing efficiency, 24/7 availability, increased employee productivity, and how it helps in the repetitive job of scheduling meetings.

Seek more funding from global investors: From the case study, a start up company similar to Evie in the U.S. can raise more than ten times the capital funding Evie can access in Singapore. This shows that Evie will have limited growth potential in Singapore, and therefore it has to diversify its operations and seek investors from other countries. Having enough capital will enable the company to grow in the workforce and use the latest technology to make Evie a more advanced, user-friendly software.

Advance Evie and make it more user-friendly: Artificial intelligence is the fastest-growing technology globally. Therefore, Evie is likely to face intense competition from other AI companies. Evie has to advance its artificial intelligence by integrating other services, such as WhatsApp, to remain competitive in the market.

Next Steps

This proposal will be implemented in three main milestones: seeking more funds, encouraging the use of artificial intelligence, and then advancing Evie. The first two months will be spent seeking more investors to inject money into the company. The injected capital will be used to hire more employees and get the latest machinery and software, which will allow the improvement of Evie and eliminate threats such as cyberattacks. The second milestone will be using the hired employees (salespersons) to encourage the use of artificial intelligence by telling prospective companies the benefits of using Evie. Finally, the final milestone will be using the injected capital and personnel to advance Evie by integrating it into other applications.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, August 6). Recommendations for Advancing the Service.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "Recommendations for Advancing the Service." August 6, 2023.

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