Red Bull’s Sponsorship of Sports Events as a Marketing Strategy

Sports event

As a student brand manager, I would sponsor different sports events on campus. Since the Red Bull brand is associated with sports events such as the Moto-GP among others, the on-campus sports event would give the brand an upper hand in promoting the message of performance vitality. Through sports sponsorships, the brand will expand its target sports market within and without the campus. Besides, the brand’s visibility in the dynamic campus market will be sustainable since these events attract regional interests in terms of viewers. As a result, the brand will easily penetrate the energy drink industry within the local markets (Grewal & Levy, 2011).

Marketing the event

Marketing the event will embrace more traditional media marketing in order to keep growing, especially for the off-campus clients who are sports fans, such as the parents and relatives of the students. In order to effectively reach such an audience, television advertisement will be ideal since it covers a wide market area. However, to market the event within the campus, social media will be ideal. The communicative power of the internet has essentially replaced much of the traditional tools particularly in the world of traditional advertising such as print and broadcast media. The main objective of this digital marketing plan is to attract the younger clients market through the event’s website and a Twitter fan page. Twitter is the ideal tool for branding and community following building for the sports event. This will allow people to interact and let users add content that aligns to different orientations of the online groups. The use of social media to attract this segment is achievable since the target market frequents social media as a site for interaction and getting updates on current events (Grewal & Levy, 2011).

Measuring success

In order to increase credibility and maintain professionalism, the event’s website and the proposed Twitter fan page channels will encompass processes and features that flawlessly facilitate a healthy and lifetime relationship between the sports event and its client. Essentially, the success of brand and product management depends on a proper alignment of a functional idea into the creation of a flexible, involuntary, and quantifiable measurement of perception among the target audience. Thus, the on-campus sports event organizers will be in a position to track the engagement ratios on their Twitter fan page and classify different contents according to the level of engagement recorded.

The team may also use the online traffic results to draw a growth calendar for the social media marketing strategies after the event to fast track the initial objectives against the realities of customer response. In addition, the success may be measured by the number of attendees against the initial projections. This will be quantified in terms of the number of tickets issued out and the quantity of the Red Bull drinks sold or given out during the event (Grewal & Levy, 2011).

Ethical considerations

It is necessary to consider the scope of the marketing communication plan and align the objectives to meet the demands of customers. Among the new development elements that will be incorporated in the Twitter fan page will include trust, reliability, distribution, fair retribution process, and passing accurate information to the target audience in order to restore confidence. This can be achieved through revising the content to ensure that information on the website and the twitter page pertains directly to the needs of potential clients (Grewal & Levy, 2011).


Grewal, D., & Levy, M. (2011). Marketing (3rd ed.). London, UK: McGraw-Hill Education.

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