Red Square and Lenin’s Mausoleum

The Red Square is one of the most memorable and impactful pieces of culture and architecture. It features a couple of rather interesting buildings, such as Lenin’s mausoleum and the GUM Department store. Surprisingly, the Red Square managed to preserve its relevance even during and after the Soviet era. Moreover, the other two aforementioned locations are commonly still rather popular among tourists and people interested in the cultural heritage of Russia. The following text will depict a reflection of the five videos related to the topic.

The Red Square acquired its value in the Soviet era by being the location of military parades and the residence of the contemporary government officials. One of the most important events that took place in this location was the Victory Parade of 1945. It took place after the end of the Great Patriotic War and the fall of Berlin. It involved 40,000 military personnel and 1850 tanks and artillery pieces (Palmer, 2015). Two of the buildings located in the Red Square, the Kazan Cathedral and Iverskaya Chapel were temporarily demolished to add space for military vehicles that drove through it. St Basil’s Cathedral is yet another location that verifies the legendary status of the Red Square (Meigalho, 2008). These buildings, in a way, have defined the area as the home to some of Russia’s most legendary and memorable places of interest.

The mausoleum is yet another memorable piece of Soviet architecture. The body of Vladimir Lenin is being kept there, embalmed and mummified (Heathklif, 2008). It has been preserved in the building for almost a century. The colors of the mausoleum harmonize with its surroundings, which was probably intentional (Studio vdg, 2007). Its pyramid-like form, surprisingly, does not clash with the locations behind it, making this unusual choice even more expressive in contrast to the rest of the pieces of architecture.

The GUM department store is currently a shopping mall that consists of many famous brand stores. From the inside, the building is complimented with various trees and plants, as they are emphasized by the creamy walls and columns of the place. It used to be called the Upper Trading Rows prior to the 1920s (Insef, 2022). Besides the famous brand stores, it features multiple cafes, restaurants and an attractive fountain. Although it is more of a luxurious location, its aesthetic value is undeniable.


Heathklif. (2008). Lenin’s Body, Lenin’s Embalming, Lenin’s Mummy. YouTube. Web.

Insef. (2022). Walking around GUM. Moscow, Russia. YouTube. Web.

Meigalho. (2008). RED SQUARE – MOSCOW. YouTube. Web.

Palmer, S. W. (2015). Victory Parade (1945) [Subtitled]. YouTube. Web.

Studio vdg. (2007). LENIN MAUSOLEUM. YouTube. Web.

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