Reducing Carbon Emissions to Zero

Carbon emissions refer to gases released into the atmosphere due to human activities or natural sources such as ocean release, decay, and burning of fossil fuels, for instance, oil. Bill Gates argues that in the future, the US should be able to make electricity, steel, and cement without freeing emanations and at a lesser price (Ted, 2010). Electricity can reduce carbon emissions through the use of vehicles and apparatus that are driven by power rather than the use of fossil fuels. In addition, Bill’s Terrapower will establish a $4.1 billion in Wyoming (TerraPower, 2022). This is one of the largest coal-mining regions whereby generating electricity yields an enormous amount of carbon.

The country will use strategies such as leak discovery and restoration of oil and gas facilities to reduce greenhouse gases and destructive air toxins that lead to climatical differences and health problems. Gates also talks about the importance of removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to eliminate emissions (Ted, 2010). Technologies should be used to trap carbon and be stored permanently. The state should be able to use knowledge and methods that efficiently use energy and can detect when the power is required or not to reduce emissions.

Some consequences may follow if the US does not use the above technologies to avoid carbon emissions. Excessive carbon emissions generate a layer that traps the sun’s heat energy in the air, heating the oceans and planets, and leading to climatic change. Global heating causes a rise in the sea level leading to changes in rainfall patterns, floods, severe storms, and biodiversity intimidations (TerraPower, 2022). The climatic variation causes drought, dangerous weather conditions, and enlarged wildfires. The emissions cause premature deaths, heart disease, and mental illness. The greenhouse gases affect people by causing breathing ailments due to fog and air contamination.


Ted. (2010). Innovating to zero! [Video]. Uploaded on YouTube by Ted.

TerraPower. (2022). A nuclear innovation company.

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