Religious Philosophy: Term Definition

There is indeed an infinite amount of variation in terms of what meaning is given by people to God. There are several common connotations which are often considered in this regard, especially amongst the people who come from more of a westernized culture of philosophy and religion. Since this category of religion is heavily dependent on the long frameworks of philosophical and religious intersections used in making enquiry, it is normally referred to as standard theism, classical theism or philosophical theism. Atheism refers to the doctrine whereby there is lack of belief in the existence of God. Atheists reject theism and do not believe in deities. Pantheism is the doctrine whereby there is belief that God manifests the entire universe and its entire phenomenon whether the same is conceived or taken as one whole. In fact believers of pantheism confidently attribute that the universe, nature and God are the same. Deism is the belief that there is a supreme God who has created the entire universe physically, but has no role in the usual operation of all that happens around us. In essence it advocates a movement and religious philosophy that draws the belief in the nature and existence of God from a motive. Theism refers to the belief in God by way of the prevalence of different deities and divinities. It is believed by believers of theism that deities are omnipotent and omniscient. Theism is also a philosophical system that has acceptance of a transcendent God who created the universe as also who governs it without the effect of any miracles. The question of what is the best –ism, is too wide a term to discuss since different people have different beliefs in keeping with their values and cultures. The fact that there is a supreme being who controls the world and conveys that we are under constant watch is enough reason to be in discipline in regard to our deeds and in keeping with our belief in God.

Natural religion is based on ordinary and normal experiences and on reason in rationally explaining the existence of God as being an integral part of the objective universe. This is in contrast with revealed religion which implies the existence of scriptures and religious experiences of varying kinds in explaining the existence of God. Although the two religions tend to differ in regard to experiencing God, the fundamental dependence on Him is acknowledged by followers of both doctrines. The fact remains that the believers in God acknowledge that the entire universe is His creation and that believers of both doctrines agree that whatever happens in this world is with God’s will. It is all a question of finding a basis to prove the existence of God. In keeping with the human psyche of asking so many unanswered questions in regard to the existence of God, scriptures and religious experiences are often quoted so that people are convinced of the power of God. Natural religion implies the belief in God by way sufficient reasons being present to prove His existence as is evident from the creation of the universe including its natural phenomenon and beauty. Revealed religion attempts to justify the existence of God through the scriptures that have been written down the ages in token of the religious experiences of human beings from the early days. The existence of God is acknowledged by both natural and revealed religion, hence there is no need to be at odds with each other.

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