Renewable Energy: Benefits Outweigh Downfalls

Renewable technology is becoming increasingly popular in today’s world. These inventions are often presented as alternative eco-friendly solution that eliminates fossil fuels. However, some of these alternatives also have negative aspects. It is essential for humans to consider both pros and cons. Using alternative energy sources has a more positive environmental impact than negative ones, so it is worth considering the importance of investment in their development.

First of all, wind and solar power plants can positively influence the state of the surrounding environment. Speaking about the minuses, the former may threaten vulnerable animals and birds, and the latter cause the destruction of animal habitats (Joyce, 2012). In addition, producing alternative energy sources can increase greenhouse gas emissions as health-related emissions occur. Alternative energy sources may be intermittent during the action, and it may be difficult to talk about a stable energy supply. However, with sufficient investment in energy storage technology, such fluctuations may disappear altogether and no longer disturb humanity (Joyce, 2012). Thus, placing greater emphasis on financing the transition of the world to alternative energy sources makes the environment greener and more pleasant for human life.

Despite the negative aspects, alternative energy sources have many advantages in their use. First, to prove this, it is worth comparing the harm caused by non-renewable energy sources. The negative impacts of fossil fuels are long-term and widespread, as they can contaminate water, air, and land and disrupt living environments (MacDonald, 2019) This suggests that using alternative energy sources is a lifeline for the environment.

Having studied the information published by my classmates on the use of alternative energy sources, I have concluded that this will positively impact the environment. I believe it because renewables almost do not cause harmful greenhouse gases and therefore have a less negative environmental impact than non-renewable ones. Using alternative methods will reduce air pollution and improve the population’s quality of life and health. I am sure that the advantages of switching to these sources far outweigh the disadvantages that may arise.

Finally, while alternative fuel sources may have adverse effects, they are a cleaner choice for the environment. Investment in technology can reduce some of the impacts, and, in any case, renewable energy sources have a more positive impact on the environment than fossil fuels. Thus, to achieve results in the preservation of the ecologically clean state of the planet, mankind needs to invest in innovation regularly.


Joyce, C. (2012). Power grid must adapt to handle renewable energy. NPR. Web.

MacDonald, J. (2019). The downside to renewable energy. JSTOR Daily.

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