Researching of Change and Society

The society people live in has faced many changes with time, emerging generations and new technological advancements reshaping the world in ways the people of the past might not have ever predicted. The most recent and notable generational shift came with the dawn of the digital age, the foundation of the online sphere and the digitization of many aspects of people’s lives. The coming of the so-called “age of information” has brought many benefits to people and their communities, especially through automatizing and optimizing various processes. In particular, it has become increasingly easy to find and spread information. Things that previously took people days to find out now become almost instant, with the realization of the online space and the wide popularity of home computers or other devices. Communication, and other facets of social interaction, are now more convenient than ever (Roshong, 2018). Social media, similarly, offers people a wider platform for staying informed about the state of the world and global affairs, giving an individual a never-seen-before look into the global sphere.

The quick availability of information worked to improve the communication inside and in-between communities, serving to help people to accomplish their daily tasks and organize in a meaningful way. Nation-wide, the coming of the digital age signaled a shift toward globalization, an effort to unite various countries with bonds of trade and communication. This effort has helped many countries across the political spectrum better establish themselves and secure strong partnerships with others. However, there were also some considerable detriments to the change and introduction of digital media. Most significantly, a lot of formerly occupied positions and jobs became obsolete. The shift from traditional to automatized labor, as well as the prevalence of the digital sphere, has left a large portion of the population without their previous positions, replaced by algorithms and machines.


Roshong, M. (2018). Communicating in the Digital age. Strategic Finance. Web.

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