Researching of Disorders: DSM-5 Summaries

Disruptive, Impulse-Control and Conduct Disorders


Disruptive, impulse-control and conduct disorders are characterized by the inability of a person to control their emotions and behavior so that to conduct accordingly to societal norms. People with these disorders tend to neglect others’ rights and disturb the authorities. Disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct disorders usually are evident in childhood and occur more often among males. The actions done by individuals with the conditions are specific to their age and culture (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Finally, these persons might resort to substance use and develop anxiety and depression symptoms.

Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Oppositional defiant disorder supposes frequent expressions of rage and irritation, demonstrative disobedience before authorities, and vindictiveness.

Intermittent Explosive Disorder

Intermittent explosive disorder is characterized by verbal and physical aggression expressed by a person at least twice a week without any material cause.

Conduct Disorder

Conduct disorder is evident in individuals who continuously violate others’ rights with cruelty, property destruction, and stealing.

Antisocial Personality Disorder

Antisocial personality disorder suggests a long-term violation of societal norms by aggressive behavior, property theft and destruction, and deceitfulness.


Pyromania is the condition when a person experiences satisfaction from setting something on fire at least several times without any particular reason.


Kleptomania is characterized by uncontrollable impulses to steal material objects for satisfaction in the process.

Feeding and Eating Disorders


The most general characteristic of feeding and eating disorders is the issue emerging when consuming food. Namely, the disease supposes behavior that prevents an individual from typical consumption and results in physical and mental problems. Each disorder is distinct in this category and cannot be experienced with another one of the same type (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Obesity is not included in the range of feeding and eating disorders.


Pica is present in individuals who attempt to consume non-eatable objects for at least one month while not guided by cultural or developmental circumstances.

Rumination Disorder

Rumination disorder supposes that a person spits off food when consuming for at least one month without any psychological cause.

Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder

Avoidant or restrictive food intake disorder is characterized by the reluctance to consume because of mental concerns about the products or the process leading to weight loss.

Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia nervosa occurs when a person restricts food consumption and lessens their weight to the abnormally small because of some anxiety related to gaining weight.

Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia nervosa is characterized by uncontrollable eating in non-regular quantities and subsequent attempts to reduce the effects of consumption.

Binge-Eating Disorder

Binge-eating disorder suggests uncontrollable eating of ample food quantities in a short period while feeling guilty for the behavior and non-healthy after the act of consumption.

Sexual Dysfunctions


Sexual dysfunctions are the issues that a person faces while trying to perform a sexual act that disturb them and their partners for a prolonged period. The disorders in the group are varied and not mutually exclusive (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The disorders often coincide with other mental issues.

Delayed Ejaculation

Delayed ejaculation is characterized by hold or absent ejaculation in most sexual act attempts.

Erectile Disorder

Erectile disorder supposes persistent difficulties in gaining and maintaining an erection during sexual intercourse.

Female Orgasmic Disorder

Female orgasmic disorder is marked by difficulties in achieving or experiencing orgasm among women enduring for more than six months.

Female Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder

Female sexual interest/arousal disorder is experienced by women unable to experience the desire for sexual activity or pleasure during sexual activity.

Genito-Pelvic Pain/Penetration Disorder

Genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder is characterized by the experience of physical pain during vaginal penetration or fear and anxiety before it.

Male Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder

Male hypoactive sexual desire disorder occurs among men who do not desire any sexual activity or fantasize about it while feeling discomfort due to this lack of desire.

Premature (Early) Ejaculation

Premature (early) ejaculation is a condition when a man ejaculates within a minute of sexual intercourse involuntarily.

Substance/Medication-Induced Sexual Dysfunction

Substance/medication-induced sexual dysfunction is characterized by discomfort or inability to participate in sexual intercourse while using a substance or medication.


American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). American Psychiatric Publishing.

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