Ring of Fire and Recent Tectonics Movements

The Ring of Fire area is a dangerous territory that significantly impacts the tectonic activities of the whole Earth. From the scientific perspective, many plates have irregular positions and are at risk of collision. The plates subduction not only causes massive earthquakes but also provokes global climate change and dangerous tectonic shifts. Scientists are responsible for conducting close examination and real-time monitoring of the South Pacific area to warn the people about the looming disaster such as the magnitude 7.1 earthquake in Acapulco, Mexico (Lopez, 2021). This stroke was caused by the shallow thrust faulting, which provoked the oceanic Cocos plate shift. This earthquake is connected with the seismic activity and plate collisions in the Ring of Fire active area.

From my point of view, the active area of the Ring of Fire is a matter of great concern for scientists. Nowadays, people have technologies to indicate potentially dangerous movements but still lack the means of disaster prevention. Unfortunately, the plates’ subductions are out of human reach and cannot be controlled. The geologists at least should focus on creating the dangerous consequences minimizing tools. Therefore, the Ring of Fire seismic activity is a continuous process that slowly affects the planet’s whole tectonic structure.

Recently, the major magnitude 8.1 earthquake occurred in the South Atlantic Ocean, South Georgia. The current analysis shows that this earthquake resulted from a complicated seismic sequence (Major magnitude, 2021) Even though this earthquake took place in the ocean and did not damage people’s lives, such an intense activity was definitely caused by the substantial tectonic shift related to the active area of the Ring of Fire. Therefore, this event should be examined in order to determine which plates collisions may potentially cause disasters in particular regions.


Lopez, O. (2021). Major quake shakes Acapulco, Mexico City. The New York Times. Web.

Major magnitude 8.1 earthquake – South Atlantic Ocean, South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands, on Thursday, Aug 12, 2021 4:35 pm. (2021). Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, February 9). Ring of Fire and Recent Tectonics Movements. https://studycorgi.com/ring-of-fire-and-recent-tectonics-movements/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Ring of Fire and Recent Tectonics Movements." February 9, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ring-of-fire-and-recent-tectonics-movements/.


StudyCorgi. "Ring of Fire and Recent Tectonics Movements." February 9, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ring-of-fire-and-recent-tectonics-movements/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Ring of Fire and Recent Tectonics Movements." February 9, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ring-of-fire-and-recent-tectonics-movements/.

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