Resolving Intercultural Conflict: Transgender Locker Room Debate

The given case presents an intercultural conflict between Felicity Pearson from the Riverbend City Civil Liberties Union and Police Chaplain Lee Khang. The key issue is whether to allow transgender employees and officers of the police department to use any locker rooms or not. While Felicity argues for providing the mentioned category with the opportunity to select using such general concepts as transgender rights, Lee claims that such a decision is impossible, and there is a need to make small steps in terms of the given issue.

It becomes evident that this conflict has a verbal and cultural nature as the main cause refers to the cultural awareness issues related to transgender officers and employees. The issue escalates with the growing misunderstanding and disrespect from both Felicia and Lee, as noted by several committee members in their comments. Both of them seem to be closed to the opinions of others so that the latter feel discouraged and unheard. Within the given scenario, the conflict is destructive, thus leading to a lack of decision regarding the mentioned issue.

Considering the perspectives of the team members, one may note that both Felicia and Lee reveal a lack of awareness of negotiation, organizational politics, and power. They do not listen to each other, being sure that only their decision is correct. Instead of focusing on a constructive open dialogue, the above opponents behave unprofessionally.

In particular, Felicity acts as an advocate for transgender persons, while Nolan Rosenberg, the representative of the local lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) alliance, states that she did not ask her about the goals and rights local transgender employees and officers want. At the same time, the team members emphasize that her way of communication lacks respect for police officers and employees. In other words, Felicity fails to build proper negotiation through organizational politics and understand others’ attitudes.

Likewise Felicity, Lee is marked by the committee members as a person lacking respect for others and arguing for his own opinion without the consideration of others’ views and arguments. As participants in several city protest movements, both of the mentioned persons use power as a source to impact the other one and convince in his or her rightness. Condescending voice and the inability to listen to others prove that they abuse power. As for the organizational politics, Lee states that only small steps are to be done towards implementing the rights of transgender officers and employees. It seems that proposing such a way, he strives to ensure an adequate perception of this decision, yet the comments of Nolan Rosenberg indicate that it is significant to take specific actions in a timely manner.

To enhance the given situation, it is possible to suggest achieving mutual respect and open dialogue between the committee members. By listening to each of them, asking appropriate questions, and properly considering every attitude and option, the team is likely to come to the correct decision. The paramount goal is to ensure adequate communication during the negotiations through diversity awareness and integrity.

One may assume that the committee should decide in favor of allowing transgender to visit any locker rooms, while conditions, strategies, consequences, and any other issues are to be discussed by the team members in a constructive fashion. To achieve the mentioned points, it is important to initiate individual dialogues with the team members to increase their awareness in terms of power, negotiation, and organizational politics along with the subsequent collective discussion and decision-making regarding the issue of transgender and locker room in the police department.

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