Role of Religious Myths in Society

The stories that are offered by various religions as moral guidelines reflect aspects of the spirituality of a society. In modern society, these myths persist because they are associated with the timeless and permanent features of human nature and life. They perform the function of guidelines, which are designed to maintain the moral foundations of society and help people in the direction of the desired behavior in society.

Shamanism is an important concept in the religious beliefs of Native Americans and other peoples. The shaman acts as a guide and translator between the world of spirits and people (Vadala, 2019). Among Native Americans and other religious traditions, shamans are priests who interpret the will of nature and the gods for humans.

Shiva’s role is to destroy the universe for it to be recreated.

  1. Worshipped as the Supreme God in Hindu and the Father of all Deities;
  2. The destruction brought about by Shiva is considered constructive.

Vishnu’s role is life preservation.

  1. The most powerful of the supreme gods;
  2. Included in the Trinity along with Shiva and Brahma.

Brahma’s role is the creation of the world and creatures.

  1. Exists beyond the universe;
  2. Manifested as energy, not actual deity.

The caste system came to India from the Aryans as a means of population control. They organized themselves into three different groups, which united into families by profession. They forged relations with each other, straying into large castes. The caste system is also associated with the Aryans’ perceptions of Hindus as impure and demons. The phrase “If you do your dharma, you get good karma” means that belonging to your caste and loyalty to it ensures a calm and happy life.

First of all, the people of the Neolithic period were dependent on the climatic conditions, which had a symbolic meaning for them. Neolithic communities were also fragmented, resulting in differences in culture, occupation, and activities. These reasons became the basis for the emergence of religion as a belief system based on certain natural phenomena and their interpretation. Features that can be seen in modern Christianity are ritualism, belief in supernatural forces, and a moral code.

The Buddha’s three main teachings describe how one should behave in order to end and overcome suffering. Four Noble Truths acknowledge the existence of suffering and its finiteness, Middle Way calls for abandoning extremes, Eightfold Path prescribes right behavior.


Vadala, J. (2019). Cross-culturally exploring the concept of shamanism. Human Relations Area Files. Web.

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