Social Responsibility’s Influence on Modern Consumer Behavior and Corporate Ethics

Social responsibility is the reasonable and high-quality production of the goods or provision of the services. Moreover, it is the company’s responsible attitude towards customers, investors, employees, and the environment. Responsibility towards customers might be the most crucial area because it helps to increase loyalty and trust of customers. Customers contribute to the growth of the company and, therefore, provide all other areas with great results, as well.

Caring for the customers can influence the way the company is perceived from the outside perspective. It is important that the reviews must be positive, so that, subsequently, they can trigger a chain reaction. Due to customers’ experience with the company, the investors might find the business profitable enough to invest their money. Thus, employees could start receiving higher wages and additionally conserve the environment by using eco-friendlier means of production.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, July 1). Social Responsibility’s Influence on Modern Consumer Behavior and Corporate Ethics.

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StudyCorgi. "Social Responsibility’s Influence on Modern Consumer Behavior and Corporate Ethics." July 1, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Social Responsibility’s Influence on Modern Consumer Behavior and Corporate Ethics." July 1, 2021.

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