Rosa’s Parks Influence on American History

Rosa Parks is an important figure in the American history of the development of the society of the United States of America. The woman gained fame thanks to her activities to combat racial segregation. Therefore, she became the initiator for the appearance of a bus boycott in Montgomery. This was because she refused to give way to a white man on public transport, which was heavily ground upon in those days. Rosa chose to be arrested instead of giving up her seat. This contributed to its becoming a symbol of the struggle against an unfair system.

This discussion post is a well-founded and robust representation of the contribution Rosa Parks had to the rights of the black community. One of the most potent quotes of this woman is “the only tired I was, was tired of giving in” (“Inspirational quotes: Rosa Parks,” n.d.). In this statement, there is a considerable amount of motivation to continue the struggle for the rights and opportunities of all people who are being infringed by society. Courageous rejection of racial discrimination in society, initiated by Rosa, established her as ‘the first lady of civil rights’ (Dobrijevic, 2021). Many generations remembered her contribution, and she continues to be a significant figure in history.

Therefore, this response supports the view that Rosa Parks is a unique and strong woman who has made an enormous contribution to the formation and strengthening of the rights of the black community. She was an exemplary woman who became a symbol for the fight against segregation laws thanks to her knowledge of politics. It is impossible not to agree with the opinion that despite all the difficulties on the way, the result will undoubtedly be worth the effort.


Dobrijevic, D. (2021). 10 influential women in history. Live Science. Web.

Inspirational quotes: Rosa Parks | Civil rights activist. (n.d.). Weave the City. Web.

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