Was the Industrial Revolution Positive for Society?

To begin with, it is necessary to consider the positive consequences of the industrial revolution in the economic sphere. Firstly, the quality has improved, the volume has increased, and the cost of production has decreased, since machines work more accurately than a person, without making any mistakes. Secondly, the prices of consumer goods have dropped, and as a result, the population’s standard of living has increased significantly (Ninness, 2022). Improving the quality of nutrition, sanitation, quality, and accessibility of medical care has led to a significant increase in life expectancy and a drop in mortality.

People were able to use the railway, telegraph, and telephone, and also, in the industrial era, a system of mass education was formed. The Industrial Revolution also impacted the spiritual sphere: science and culture developed, scientific and technical intelligentsia was formed, and the church’s interference in secular life was limited (Ninness, 2022). Thus, during the industrial revolution, the birth of an industrial society took place. Nevertheless, negative phenomena of this process also occurred in parallel.

The situation of the working class has worsened: the working day has increased and wages have decreased. Social conflict has declined, child labor has been used, and, of course, environmental problems have arisen. Thus, the Industrial Revolution has both undeniable advantages and significant disadvantages. Nevertheless, development does not have a one-sided progressive nature; it also includes the processes of regressive movement (Ninness, 2022). It is possible to say that the impact of the Industrial Revolution is relatively positive since it allowed modern society to be at the level of development that can be observed now.


Ninness, R. (2022). Lecture on Industrial Revolution [Lecture notes]. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Was the Industrial Revolution Positive for Society?" May 15, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/was-the-industrial-revolution-positive-for-society/.


StudyCorgi. "Was the Industrial Revolution Positive for Society?" May 15, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/was-the-industrial-revolution-positive-for-society/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Was the Industrial Revolution Positive for Society?" May 15, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/was-the-industrial-revolution-positive-for-society/.

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