Roy’s Adaptation Model vs. Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory


As valuable and useful guidelines used in nursing practice, special theories and models are utilized, which are designed to address specific cases and promote the necessary principles of work. The evaluation of individual concepts can reveal their significance in relation to a specific care environment, thereby helping to choose an optimal approach. As objects for analysis, one grand nursing theory (Roy’s adaptation model) and one middle-range nursing theory (Kolcaba’s theory of comfort) will be reviewed within a research study. The goals of this work are to compare the possibilities of applying the proposed concepts and assess their significance in relation to nursing practice in general and my professional activities in particular.

Application of the Theories in the Research Study

As a research work for analysis, the study “Aromatherapy Hand Massage for Test Anxiety and Self-Efficacy in Nursing Students: A Pilot Study” by Farner, Reed, Abbas, Shmina, and Bielawski (2019) will be applied. The authors consider the use of aromatherapy as a practice that may be useful to minimize stress and a means to increase self-efficacy (Farner et al., 2019). To substantiate specific hypotheses and assumptions, several theories have been utilized, including the aforementioned concepts by Roy and Kolcaba.

The first model is the key one in the framework of the study and is applied as a methodology that allows evaluating external and internal stimuli forming adaptation to a specific condition or environment. According to Farner et al. (2019), this theory helps highlight special factors that determine a person’s tendency to accept the necessary circumstances. Such a use of the theory is classical and justified.

Kolcaba’s theory of comfort is another concept utilized in the research study in question. Farner et al. (2019) resort to this model in order to substantiate a special protocol aimed at improving comfort among patients in nursing homes. In particular, this theory helps compare the basic parameters of care perception and enhance these psychological aspects due to the proposed concept. Both models are relevant approaches to achieve the objectives of the study.

Using Grand and Middle-Range Theories to Advance General and Personal Nursing Practice

The application of grand and middle-range theories is an important aspect of nursing practice. As Smith and Parker (2015) note, grand concepts allow describing a specific condition or environment from personal, organizational, professional, and other value orientations. Middle-range theories are more specialized and, according to Smith and Parker (2015), help delve into specific topics raised in more abstract grand models. Therefore, in both cases, these types of theories complement each other and contribute to expanding the range of nursing interventions, thereby creating a favorable care environment.

As applied to my personal practice, utilizing the two categories of nursing theories also has significant benefits. Since these concepts differ in the specifics of the formation of goals and methods for implementing their basic provisions, I can carry out interventions at different levels. Grand theories may help me form an idea of ​​the most common problems of patients and their causes, while middle-range models can allow me to assess a specific situation in more detail and choose the best course of work.


The considered grand and middle-range nursing theories used in the chosen study fulfill their functions and are valuable concepts for achieving research goals. As applied to general practice, these two categories are highly relevant due to their distinctive focus and degree of deepening into a specific problem. Regarding my personal activities, I can utilize these types of theories effectively and increase my professional competence by conducting nursing interventions at different levels.


Farner, J., Reed, M., Abbas, J., Shmina, K., & Bielawski, D. (2019). Aromatherapy hand massage for test anxiety and self-efficacy in nursing students: A pilot study. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 14(4), 225-230. Web.

Smith, M. C., & Parker, M. E. (2015). Nursing theories and nursing practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: FA Davis.

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