Safety and Violence Protocol: Evaluation Plan

If a person is subjected to violence, one of the paramount tasks of physicians is to not only help the victim get rid of the physical consequences of injuries but also to provide psychological support (Higgins et al., 2016). It can be assumed that those employees who have received training in the form of studying the safety and violence protocol training are prepared more professionally than those who have not received such training. The following variables can be taken into account in order to assess the effectiveness of the chosen implementation plan:

  1. Patients’ comments on the quality of trained medics’ works and their ability to provide timely assistance.
  2. The effectiveness of medical specialists’ work of in terms of the speed and quality of the therapeutic actions that they perform (Ames, Glenn, & Simons, 2014).
  3. The speed of decision-making in stressful situations caused by patients’ non-standard appeals for help.
  4. The possibility of using the methodology of training not only in the emergency but also other medical units.
  5. The comments of medical professionals on the effectiveness of this type of training and its benefits for the system of healthcare both at the local and state level.

The educational process of emergency medical personnel should include appropriate training since it is impossible to assist quickly and competently if there is no necessary knowledge and skills. Such a system of education is sure to get spread in different medical institutions due to its effectiveness and benefits. If health professionals know more about safety and violence policies, it is likely that the decision-making process will take less time, and their actions will be more confident. As soon as the research proves the effectiveness of the chosen implementation plan, it can be applied to various medical units.


Ames, T. L., Glenn, L. A., & Simons, L. E. (2014). Dating violence: Promoting awareness and mitigating risk through nursing innovations. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 26(3), 143-147.

Higgins, A., Doyle, L., Morrissey, J., Downes, C., Gill, A., & Bailey, S. (2016). Documentary analysis of risk-assessment and safety-planning policies and tools in a mental health context. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 25(4), 385-395.

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