The Legitimacy and Moral Basis of Same-Sex Marriage


Statistical findings depict a substantial increase in the number of American adults who support the idea of same-sex marriage. According to Yen and Zampelli, this figure grew from 35% to 55% during the period of 2001-2015 (196). This claim leads to the question of the legitimacy and moral standing of the subject of same-sex marriage.

Although many countries, including the U.S., have created an environment conducive to same-sex marriage affairs because the need to emphasize people’s entitlement to civil liberties, it is crucial to consider claims made in other nations or religions that view the practice as against the law or the set principles. However, following the need to accommodate various groups of people such as the LGBT, same-sex marriages should not be viewed as illegal because these individuals have the right to marry their preferred partners.

The Moral Basis of Same-Sex Marriage

The study by Dillender depicts marriage as a vital procedure that acts as a social and lawful agreement aimed at boosting families’ decision-making processes (563). Regardless of the kind of marriage, whether same-sex or heterosexual, parties enjoy official and cultural protection. According to Dillender, various states in America have authorized the union between people of the same sex (564). When investigating a society that embraces same-sex marriage, it may be convenient to question the root of such practices, including investigating whether they are in line with conventional rules as stipulated in various religious and biological teachings (Yen and Zampelli 209).

However, it is imperative to understand the reason why some countries or even religions allow or bar people of the same sex to be recognized as legally married. As Dillender reveals, some states in America discourage same-sex marriage because they interpret such a move as comprising the value of heterosexual unions (567). This position may be noteworthy, especially bearing in mind that such regions interpret marriage as a process that should ultimately result in the birth of children.

While the study by Dillender finds that encouraging same-sex unions does not interfere with the overall rate of marrying among potential people (578), other scholars such as Zivi address the issue of children who are left under the care of parents of the same sex (293). In this study, many legal cases in the U.S. have been ruled against same-sex marriage following the awareness that such couples not only fail to comply with the husband-wife plan established in the American Constitution but also never provide the required biological attention to their children (Zivi 293).

Hence, despite the rising support for same-sex marriages, reasons established in favor of this approach cannot be interpreted to mean that religious teachings have allowed it. However, it is crucial to realize that proponents of the idea of marriage between people of similar sexual orientations acknowledge various benefits that cannot be overlooked.


Although some religions and countries regard same-sex marriages as an issue that compromises the value of heterosexual unions, various nations, including America, have realized that human beings have to be allowed to enjoy their rights of selecting marriage partners. People’s diverse sexual orientations cannot be underestimated. As a result, denying various groups of people such as the LGBT the privilege of securing their preferred spouses would be a violation of the underlying civil liberties. Marriage forms the basis of any society. However, in this paper, same-sex marriage has been depicted as an aspect that needs to be reconsidered to allow all people the room to exercise their right of getting married to their favorite partners.

Works Cited

Dillender, Marcus. “The Death of Marriage? The Effects of New Forms of Legal Recognition on Marriage Rates in the United States.” Demography, vol. 51, no. 2, 2014, pp. 563-585.

Yen, Steven, and Ernest Zampelli. “Religiousness and Support for Same-Sex Marriage: An Endogenous Treatment Approach.” Social Science Quarterly, vol. 98, no. 1, 2017, pp. 196-211.

Zivi, Karen. “Performing the Nation: Contesting Same-Sex Marriage Rights in the United States.” Journal of Human Rights, vol. 13, no. 3, 2014, pp. 290-306.

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