The Problems of Modern Education


Today, the vast majority of teachers are unanimous that today’s students differ significantly from those who were educated 10-15 years ago. A large part of today’s students have a reduced cognitive interest, and poorly developed higher mental functions – memory, logic, thinking, analysis, as well as self-control. Such a child often just does not understand what the teacher tells him, and can not grasp the meaning of what he reads. It is known that the hemispheres of the brain play an important role in learning. The right hemisphere is humanitarian, imaginative, and creative. It is responsible for the body, coordination of movements, and spatial and kinesthetic perception. The left hemisphere is considered mathematical, iconic, logical, and analytical. The problems of modern education, in which many children fail in academic tasks, are due to the fact that the natural tendencies of the brain are not taken into account.


All people can be divided into three types according to the ratio of hemispheric activity: right hemispheric, left hemispheric, and equal hemispheric. The more active hemisphere determines the strategy of thinking, emotional response, perception, memory, and intellectual activity. The problem is that modern education is focused primarily on left-hemispheric children. Moreover, according to research, they make up only 10% of the students in the class (Phillipson & Phillipson, 2020). Currently, the number of right-hemispheric children is increasing every year (Phillipson & Phillipson, 2020). It indicates the emergence of a new adaptive mechanism of mankind to changing evolutionary conditions.

However, every year educational programs are becoming more and more analytical, speech and algorithmic, and left-hemispheric. In such conditions, right-hemispheric children find themselves in a difficult, insecure situation, because the methods of teaching do not correspond to the functional activity of their brain (Phillipson & Phillipson, 2020). The adverse factors of the social environment an educational institution has to counteract something, so the educational system is faced with the acute problem of introducing modern achievements of psychological science into the educational process.


Thus, today, using only traditional methods of teaching cannot lead to the expected result. Moreover, the teacher’s use of authoritarian management style in relation to right-brain children can significantly worsen the psychological situation in the classroom, driving the situation to a dead end. Currently, teachers and scientists agree: that traditional forms of learning are outdated, to capture the attention of modern students, they need, first of all, to surprise, to interest.


Phillipson, S. N., & Phillipson, S. (2020). The Power of Expert Teaching. Routledge.

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