Scribes and Pharisees Once Christ Was Crucified


Literary critics have often described the fact that Anthology of World Literature by Sarah Lawall restrains the world’s best-selling literature. Sarah Lawall introduces each writer and their works with a detailed biography, background description, and critical analysis. The Scribes and Pharisees in Bible have often been considered as the enemies of Jesus Christ and they have revealed their attitude towards Pilate about the punishment of Jesus Christ. Both of them have expected the arrival of authority in both Jesus Christ and Pilate. At the time of Christ’s crucifixion, both scribes and Pharisees lost their belief in Pilate. Indirectly, they have revealed their opposition against Pilate about the Aristocratic judgment in Christ’s issue. After the crucifixion Scribes and Pharisees have changed their attitude towards Christ and they began to worship him. They have followed a kind of passivism and admitted the decision of the omnipotent God. The Scribes and Pharisees have shown their passive nature towards Pilate’s judgment against Jesus Christ, even though they have identified Christ as their opponent

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The Christian belief, in addition to its natural and religious ingredients, has also a chronological, component. It considers that about a Divine principle prophesied at the extremely drawn person existence. The Scribes and Pharisees had demanded authority and even though they were the enemy of Christ they reacted passively during Christ’s crucifixion. They have enough knowledge about the law in various cases such as marriage, divorce loans, and often made legal documents. Christ often warned the people against their learning of false teachings given by Pharisees. In Genesis (1-3) And God said, “Behold I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you, it shall be for meat” (Lawal, 52-59). The Scribes and Pharisees wished for the birth of authority and they have lost their belief in Christ. The authentic being of Jesus on earth is but the fundamental fraction of a system which, in the belief of Christians, enlarges in the course of all the ages. Our current aim is merely to furnish a brief sketch of that life as it appears in the full light of history, with no entering into the innumerable collateral queries which it recommends for concern, a job which in these restrictions is unworkable. Christ is the most fundamental form of Christianity. And also at last Jesus Christ undergoes Pontius Pilate, was subsequently Crucified, Expired, and was Obscured. The rivals of Jesus Christ were the spiritual heads of the Jewish citizens who envied Jesus Christ. The religious measurement of the Christian being is mainly reliant upon its academic substance. What we understand by way of our minds we search for to practice in our spiritual life. A vigorous spiritual existence is mainly dependant on an accurate appreciation of the Bible experience. In the early century, scribes and Pharisees were two fundamentally separate crowds, even though several scribes were Pharisees. Scribes had awareness of the rule and could plan lawful documents.

The universal Christian label of the Pharisee is “the two-faced opponent of Jesus.” The base for that stereotype or label is the reality that the gospels regularly present the Pharisees in the function of Jesus’ opponents. The scribes and Pharisees are searching for a method to kill Jesus Christ. In the time of trial scribes and Pharisees revealed their views against Christ and said that he had cast the power of Lucifer or Satan. The scribes and Pharisees wanted continuously to strengthen themselves by way of orientations to authorities and quotes. He forever speaks using the last expression of authority. He never expresses regrets, never speaks his errors, never replicates. He speaks forever by way of absolute authority. Christ’s crucifixion happened around 2000 years back. The crucifixion of Christ and His rebirth are the two significant divine actions in history. So the reaction of the scribes and Pharisees, once Christ was crucified, as they appealed to Pilate for Christ was the most significant topic to understand about the Pilate for Christ. Pilate is well-known primarily as a critical personality on the subject in the New evidence description of Jesus, but the majority of our information on him arrives from the explanation of the Romano-Jewish narrator Flavius Josephus. “Sufferers must, like job, cling to their faith in themselves and god; they must accept the inexplicable fact that their undeserved suffering is the working of God’s justice”. By analyzing the above-mentioned words we can comprehend the fact that Christ’s tragedy reveals those words. Followers of Christianity have often believed that Jesus Christ was the messenger of God and Christ has divine power to lead the people in a good way. He purified the mind and body of the sinners by giving good information about the future life. The crucifixion of Jesus Christ was the most noteworthy and most significant event in the history of the world and mankind and would have no hope whatsoever of the expenditure time without end in heaven. The scribes and Pharisees have expressed a kind of passiveness at the time of Christ’s crucifixion. But in the case of Jesus’ death, Jesus Christ suffered one of the cruelest, brutal, and humiliating deaths identified to man. Even though God’s son Christ had to be surrendered so that could get hold of forgiveness of sins in present were several sins which show the way to Jesus Christ died. Jesus Christ put aside poor people from the social anarchy attacks of rich people. But at the same time, he endures various sufferings from his enemies. The rivals and other spiritual leaders of the Jewish community are being envious or jealous of Jesus Christ. Even in the beginning Christ often showed some signs of hesitation against some scribes and Pharisees, Christ succeeded to lift them into the land of Father God. All of his followers persuaded that Jesus Christ was the messenger of the almighty. So they proved that it is true because He makes different sensations, he led a sinless life and his good experiences all proved to them that it is true. But His revivification bears out every claim and informed Jesus Christ made to all people for all moment in time. The scribes and Pharisees sought after a sign from Jesus Christ. One can see the change of their attitude against Christ in the time of Christ’s crucifixion. After Christ’s crucifixion, some priests and scribes have reached near the sepulcher and sealed it properly. They began to admire Christ’s sepulcher and they have planned to take the life of the son God. They have acquired the self-revelation that Christ’s learning helped them to change from darkness to light of truth. Scribes and Pharisees had never their opposition about Christ’s crucifixion, but their movements revealed their soul. Scribes and Pharisees often speculated about the blindness of Jews who rejected the teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was capable to make known the matter of the mind of the Pharisees and Sadducees. Christ understands that they were very enthusiastic and passionate. It is reflected on their all civilization and they were could not bear their ridiculousness exposed. We can find that the word Pilate beautifully symbolizes the distress and harassment of the Church which symbolizes the spiritual Body of Christ. In the present day, millions of authentic supporters of Christ shed their blood for their faithfulness to the redeemer. It is clear for a reader that each Christian acknowledged encompassing expired to offense and to have been an alive lift to the novelty of being in Jesus Christ. Former, the Pilates of every period who have been worn by Christ’s rivals to differentiate in opposition to the Church Christ originated. The personality Neros and Attilas, the Huns, and Communists have been the appropriate pattern and suitable representatives of the evil spirit in persecuting authentic Christians. All the evidence says to us, Christ appeared in Jerusalem as a socio-religious reformer with the divine and charismatic powers among the Jewish people of the first century. Scribes and Pharisees have often shown their opposition against Christ in the tile of trial but after Christ’s crucifixion, they have changed their attitude. They had reacted passively at the time of the crucifixion.Scribes were the men with legal tradition; they had welcomed the preaching of the Christ but later against by way of human instinct. Moreover, they disliked and turned to check questioning of the basic religious scriptures. They had the duty to interpret the rules and regulations of the religious scriptures so they longed to punish the Christ. For the period of the Christ there were many scribes, and they supported him on the name of divine teachings. But Scribes could realize the truth that punishment in the form of crucifixion is a decision of god; and there is no other reason to injustice. Christ lived for the preachings as a messenger of the eternal or universal power. One can see scribes and Pharisees were the symbol of the evils for the reason that they are ultimately human beings, even though they helped the duty of the God. They had looked Christ as an authority of their religion in the early time, but they turned against later. At the end they have secured the sepulcher of Christ and began to admire his greatness. But Scribes were forced to accept Pilate as their authority but he was an aristocrat. The God paved the way to evils, man is created with countless limitations, and a typical man is not able to break out from it.


Martyrdom of Jesus was a failure of the scribes and Pharisees because god crucifies the soul of them. Jesus was punished, though he was departed to the eternal land that was the Gods province. However, scribes and Pharisees have often acted as the opponents of Christ’s they became the worshiper after Christ’s crucifixion.

Works Cited

Lawal, Sarah. The Norton Anthology of World Literature. [Provided by customer].

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