Security Risks Associated With a Mobile

Security risks associated with a mobile device may be, for instance, malware, malicious websites, or premium SMS billing. Additionally, email and SMS phishing and spyware are used to control the actions you do via the mobile device. One more risk emphasized by McAfee is QR code abuse, which may lead to personal data leakage (Ansari, 2021). All of them relate to mobile devices’ security system’s imperfections, but users’ cautiousness can decrease them.

Regarding the technology of tracking location, the most common of them is GPS. This abbreviation stands for Global Positioning System. GPS is a navigation system that uses radio waves between a satellite and a receiver in the phone to provide location-related information to any software that needs it (Turetzky, 2020). To be more exact, the phone uses Assisted GPS, which adds cellular location data to assist geolocation and requires less energy.

Recommendations for protecting the mobile device against threats of being targeted by hackers and computer criminals include, in the first place, uploading the most recent versions of the operating system. Secondly, it is crucial to use mobile security tools. Furthermore, to stop the tracking feature of an app, one should open Settings in their smartphone, then open Privacy Policy, find Location Services, and turn them off. Otherwise, there is an option to let the gadget use your location only while using certain apps.

Indeed, I am concerned about mobile devices insecurity because it turns out each person’s private life is being interrupted every time they use a smartphone. There is no chance of staying safe and keeping all personal information protected without being extremely careful and undertaking particular actions. Such fraud practice makes me think negatively of the world and society we are living in because people cannot trust each other on a proper level.


Ansari, S. (2021). Top cyber security threats to look out for in 2021. McAfee. Web.

Turetzky, G. (2020). Putting GPS in smartphones. GPS World. Web.

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