Segregation in the U.S.: A Race Dot Map Analysis

The problem of segregation in the U.S. has been quite notorious. Intended to marginalize racial minorities, particularly, African American people, it deprived them of their humanity in the eyes of the dominant White population, exacerbating the process of discrimination. However, even presently, when significant efforts are being made to promote diversity and intersectionality in the American community, the phenomenon of segregation still exists. As the statistics on the dispersion of the U.S. population based on race and ethnicity as it is shown on the Race Dot Map proves, the current U.S. community is predominantly White, with few minority communities being clearly segregated form the rest of the U.S.

The effects of observed segregation should be considered closer tin order to understand the entire range of issues faced by the members of diverse communities of ethnic and racial minorities. Specifically, the segregation in question influences several key areas, namely, sculpture, economy, and politics. In the cultural context, vulnerable cultures are being ousted from the picture, which makes popular culture predominantly White. As a result, the threat of cultural erasure of vulnerable populations emerges. Politically, underrepresentation of ethnic and racial minorities due to them being isolated leads to the failure to adders their specific needs. Finally, economically, racially diverse communities that are denied the access to the statewide network of collaboration and communication leads to a rise in unemployment rates, a drop in property values, a surge in poverty, and the loss of educational opportunities. Therefore, the outcomes of racial and ethnic segregation observed on the race Dot Map are devastating.

Furthermore, the enhancement of segregation leads to privilege due to the increased range of opportunities offered to White Americans. Specifically, since a significant portion of racially diverse community members is denied crucial resources, the latter are distributed among White Americans as surplus, thus, contributing to their wealth and reinforcing the current cultural and racial status quo. As a result, racial segregation and the associated ideas of minorities’ inferiority coupled with the minimized access to the social capital of the U.S. community is exacerbated. The described situation is likely of lead to drastic outcomes unless tools for reducing the levels of inequality are introduced in American society. The situation might seem slightly different in Houston, Texas, yet the presence of multi-ethnic communities, which mostly consist of Hispanic and Latino people, does not change the fact that most o ethnically diverse community members do not have access to crucial resources.

The situation described above indicates that there is a multitude of American experiences. Namely, the ones that are represented by the lives of White, middle-class citizens are not the only ones to be considered despite being constantly placed at the forefront. Overall, the information provided by the Race Dot Map, while being expressively upsetting, indicates the urgency for change and incentivizes the viewer to make a difference.

Due to the prevalence of the White culture and its overwhelming impact on the perceptions of racial and ethnic minorities, the latter are mostly marginalized and segregated in the U.S. community. Specifically, the Race Dot Map has shown that the few diverse and minority-based communities are mostly isolated form the rest of the U.S. Therefore, the current approach toward cross-cultural communication must enforce cultural exchange and the active promotion of the focus on racial and ethnic minorities. Thus, the problems of racism, segregation, and stereotyping will be contained. As a result, members of marginalized communities will be able to access the services and opportunities that the White American population currently uses.

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