Self-Assessment of Public Safety Followership

The role of a follower is comparable to that of a leader. It can be defined as an individual’s willingness or ability to follow a leader’s instructions. It is significant in the context of the protection of the general public. When leaders formulate or settle on policies, their followers must carry them out and ensure they have adhered to them. For instance, if the community leaders decide on social isolation and wearing masks, and if the community’s followers do not adopt this, then it becomes pointless and puts the general public in danger, particularly during the pandemic. An organization needs supportive followers to reach its goals and achieve its objectives. Competence, motivation, credibility, and influence are all qualities that are present in successful leaders, and they are also present in successful followers (Wang et al., 2019). Followers have the same potential to bring about positive change within an organization as a leader.

I think my team leaders consider me a valuable part of the group. As was stated earlier, a follower is just as vital as the leader they have chosen to follow. I can demonstrate that I am a dependable employee by completing both little and significant assignments. I always try to have a positive attitude toward my profession and the people I deal with. In addition, I give the utmost respect to everyone, regardless of their status, since I recognize that everyone contributes something valuable toward accomplishing the goal.

The epidemic caused by COVID-19 is a real testimonial to the men and women who support the mission of the CBP. It has been a challenging couple of years for Customs and Border Protection (CBP), as they have had to put in countless hours fighting a global pandemic, rescuing the most vulnerable from dangerous situations, deploying overseas to support Operation Allies Refuge (OAR), and dealing with an enormous migrant surge along the southwest border. The resilience of the workforce is necessary for accomplishing the objective, which would fail miserably in the absence of a capable workforce (Klug et al., 2019). I have contributed to advancing the “team” mission and aim of the CBP in my role as the man in charge of tracking all of CBP’s COVID-19 cases. A significant contribution to the achievement was the team’s capacity to recognize and anticipate peak periods and fight for policy that, in the end, safeguarded the workforce against further COVID-19 exposure.

I demonstrate my dedication to the organization by working together with other members of the group and cultivating relationships within the community. By putting my words into action, whether in a leadership or follower role within the group, I demonstrate my support for and commitment to the organization’s goals. If I am the one to decide on a guideline for the team, then I will ensure that I will be able to follow it. As a follower, I should show support for the leader by acting as per the directive. It is possible to exhibit trust and respect on the part of leadership by demonstrating commitment. Characteristics such as promptness, self-assurance, attentiveness, critical thinking, and professionalism are indicators of a person’s dedication to their work (Klug et al., 2019). In order to provide adequate support for the mission of the largest law enforcement agency in the federal government, I believe it is necessary to go above and beyond what is required. Because of the attention that we receive in the media and the political sphere, I believe it is essential to perform to the best of one’s abilities constantly and to act under the laws passed by Congress. A manifestation of this devotion can be seen in how CBP responded to COVID-19. CBP implemented stringent safety standards, including increased facility cleaning, temporary building capacity constraints, the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), and general task aids for the workforce to protect all non-citizens in custody and staff.

It is just as crucial to have influential followers as it is to have effective leaders. Effective followers exhibit the bravery to embrace responsibility, confront their leaders, participate in transformation, assist others, and exit the company when it is essential. If a leader establishes a setting where followers can contribute to the objective, then that leader should also be able to readily take on the same level of responsibility without much difficulty. To clarify, the organization I work for has established orders of succession. When a leader leaves the workplace on vacation, a follower will step up to temporarily assume their leadership role. When the leader returns, the individual will transition back to their original function.

The ability of a leader to engage their followers is the most critical factor in determining how effective the leader is. Regarding leadership, the collective “we” rather than the individual “I” is the key to overall success. Leadership is a process that develops out of a relationship between leaders and followers who share values, ambitions, and experiences. This connection is necessary for leadership to take place (Yoest, 2021). In my opinion, the most influential leaders begin their careers as followers, where they acquire the qualities, skills, and capabilities necessary to become leaders. These followers are future leaders because they are willing to give up their interests for the team’s welfare. Peers and leaders alike confide in them and count on them to deliver. The most effective followers are those who have faith in their capabilities and those of their leaders.


Klug, K., Felfe, J., & Krick, A. (2019). Caring for oneself or for others? how consistent and inconsistent profiles of health-oriented leadership are related to follower strain and health. Frontiers in Psychology, 10.

Wang, G., Van Iddekinge, C. H., Zhang, L., & Bishoff, J. (2019). Meta-analytic and primary investigations of the role of followers in ratings of leadership behavior in organizations. Journal of Applied Psychology, 104(1), 70–106.

Yoest, J. (2021). To be a good leader; be a good follower. Completed Staff Work Training of Washington DC.

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